全基因组 - 人类基因组变异分析(PacBio) (3)-- p

2023-10-25  本文已影响0人  三代测序说

一. 长读段比对 (Long-Read Mapping)常用的比对软件




BLASR是第一个针对PacBio序列的比对工具,2012年发表在《BMC Bioinformatics》期刊上,由PacBio研究团队开发,最新版本停在2019.4.11,目前Google引用次数为1170(截止2023.10.25)。

BWA老牌比对软件了。BWA-MEM 是一种新的比对算法,用于将测序 reads 或者组装后 contigs 比对至大型参考基因组,例如人参考基因组。它该算法对测序错误有良好的稳定性,适用的reads 长度范围较广,从70bp至几Mb。




NGMLR: https://github.com/philres/ngmlr
NextGenMap-LR(ngmlr)主要用于三代测序的长reads(PacBio 、Oxford Nanopore)与参考基因组的比对。

pbmm2: https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/pbmm2 等等。


二. pbmm2的使用教程

在得到sample.CCS.bam文件后, 因为HiFi数据质量较高,一把不需要额外的质控步骤,就可以将HiFi数据和下载的参考基因组序列进行比对了。








图1. Gencode人类参考基因组下载

点击 图1 所示的 fasta 连接即可下载完整的人类参考基因组(GRCh38.p14)。

Ensembl: https://useast.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Info/Index

图2. Ensembl人类参考基因组下载

点击 图2 所示的 Download DNA sequence (FASTA) 连接进入下载页面,进一步选择|Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz , 即可下载完整的人类参考基因组(GRCh38.p14)。



Toplevel: 这样的数据包含了所有的序列区域(比如染色体、非染色体以及用大量N填充的单倍型haplotypes或基因组补丁patches区域),比如:Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.dna.toplevel.fa.gz

Primary Assembly: 在上面toplevel的基础上,排除了单倍型或基因组补丁区域。如果看到目录中不存在这种类型的数据(比如这里果蝇就没有,而人类的基因组数据就存在),那么就意味着基因组不包含单倍型或基因组补丁区域,其实也就是等同于Toplevel.



图3. Refseq人类参考基因组下载

点击 图3 中的Download即可下载人类基因参考组(GRCh38.p14)。

UCSC genome browser: https://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg38/bigZips/

图4. UCSC人类基因组下载

点击 图4hg38.fa.gz即可下载人类基因参考组(GRCh38.p14)。

2. pbmm2安装

$ conda install -c bioconda pbmm2

图5. pbmm2 conda安装

3. pbmm2使用

Index: index reference and store as .mmi file
Usage: pbmm2 index [options] <ref.fa|xml> <out.mmi>
--preset 比对模式默认为CCS, 如果为CCS - HiFi数据,则不用设置

$ mkdir human_ref
#将参考基因组GRCh38.fa拷入human_ref 文件夹, 进入human_ref
$ cd  human_ref

$ pbmm2 index GRCh38.fa GRCh38.mmi   #此过程在我们计算服务上比较快

#如果运行时间较长,使用 nohup 加 & 将程序不挂断运行并放入后台
$ nohup pbmm2 index GRCh38.fa GRCh38.mmi &

Usage: pbmm2 align [options] <ref.fa|xml|mmi> <in.bam|xml|fa|fq> [out.aligned.bam|xml]
除了PacBio默认的 bam文件, fastq / fasta 作为输入文件也是可以的。

#比对参考序列,-j -J 如果在服务器空闲时可以不指定
$ pbmm2 align --preset CCS --sort -j 24 -J 4 \
 --log-level INFO --log-file pbmm2.log --sample sample_name \
human_ref/GRCh38.mmi sample.ccs.bam sample.align.bam 

# --log-level INFO,给出基本mapping统计结果和时间
# --sample 指定样品名称;-j 指定比对线程;-J 8 指定排序步骤线程,8为最大;--sort 输出排序后的bam,--preset选择参数集-默认

pbmm2 index 帮助文档

pbmm2 index - Index reference and store as .mmi file

  pbmm2 index [options] <ref.fa|xml> <out.mmi>

  ref.fa|xml                STR   Reference FASTA, ReferenceSet XML
  out.mmi                   STR   Output Reference Index

Parameter Set Option:
  --preset                  STR   Set alignment mode. See below for preset parameter details. Valid choices: (SUBREAD,
                                  CCS, ISOSEQ, UNROLLED). [CCS]

Parameter Override Options:
  -k                        INT   k-mer size (no larger than 28). [-1]
  -w                        INT   Minimizer window size. [-1]
  -u,--no-kmer-compression        Disable homopolymer-compressed k-mer (compression is active for SUBREAD & UNROLLED

  -h,--help                       Show this help and exit.
  --version                       Show application version and exit.
  -j,--num-threads          INT   Number of threads to use, 0 means autodetection. [0]
  --log-level               STR   Set log level. Valid choices: (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, FATAL). [WARN]
  --log-file                FILE  Log to a file, instead of stderr.

Alignment modes of --preset:
    SUBREAD     : -k 19 -w 10
    CCS or HiFi : -k 19 -w 10 -u
    ISOSEQ      : -k 15 -w 5  -u
    UNROLLED    : -k 15 -w 15

Copyright (C) 2004-2023     Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; it is intended for
Research Use Only and not for use in diagnostic procedures.

pbmm2 align帮助文档

pbmm2 align - Align PacBio reads to reference sequences

  pbmm2 align [options] <ref.fa|xml|mmi> <in.bam|xml|fa|fq|gz|fofn> [out.aligned.bam|xml]

  ref.fa|xml|mmi             STR    Reference FASTA, ReferenceSet XML, or Reference Index
  in.bam|xml|fa|fq|gz|fofn   STR    Input BAM, DataSet XML, FASTA, or FASTQ
  out.aligned.bam|xml        STR    Output BAM or DataSet XML

Basic Options:
  --chunk-size               INT    Process N records per chunk. [100]

Sorting Options:
  --sort                            Generate sorted BAM file.
  -m,--sort-memory           STR    Memory per thread for sorting. [768M]
  -J,--sort-threads          INT    Number of threads used for sorting; 0 means 25% of -j, maximum 8. [0]

Parameter Set Options:
  --preset                   STR    Set alignment mode. See below for preset parameter details. Valid choices:
                                    (SUBREAD, CCS, HIFI, ISOSEQ, UNROLLED). [CCS]

General Parameter Override Options:
  -k                         INT    k-mer size (no larger than 28). [-1]
  -w                         INT    Minimizer window size. [-1]
  -u,--no-kmer-compression          Disable homopolymer-compressed k-mer (compression is active for SUBREAD & UNROLLED
  -A                         INT    Matching score. [-1]
  -B                         INT    Mismatch penalty. [-1]
  -z                         INT    Z-drop score. [-1]
  -Z                         INT    Z-drop inversion score. [-1]
  -r                         INT    Bandwidth used in chaining and DP-based alignment. [-1]
  -g                         INT    Stop chain enlongation if there are no minimizers in N bp. [-1]

Gap Parameter Override Options (a k-long gap costs min{o+k*e,O+k*E}):
  -o,--gap-open-1            INT    Gap open penalty 1. [-1]
  -O,--gap-open-2            INT    Gap open penalty 2. [-1]
  -e,--gap-extend-1          INT    Gap extension penalty 1. [-1]
  -E,--gap-extend-2          INT    Gap extension penalty 2. [-1]

IsoSeq Parameter Override Options:
  -G                         INT    Max intron length (changes -r). [-1]
  -C                         INT    Cost for a non-canonical GT-AG splicing (effective in ISOSEQ preset). [-1]
  --no-splice-flank                 Do not prefer splice flanks GT-AG (effective in ISOSEQ preset).

Read Group Options:
  --sample                   STR    Sample name for all read groups. Defaults, in order of precedence: SM field in
                                    input read group, biosample name, well sample name, "UnnamedSample".
  --rg                       STR    Read group header line such as '@RG\tID:xyz\tSM:abc'. Only for FASTA/Q inputs.

Identity Filter Options (combined with AND):
  -y,--min-gap-comp-id-perc  FLOAT  Minimum gap-compressed sequence identity in percent. [70]

Output Options:
  -l,--min-length            INT    Minimum mapped read length in basepairs. [50]
  -N,--best-n                INT    Output at maximum N alignments for each read, 0 means no maximum. [0]
  --strip                           Remove all kinetic and extra QV tags. Output cannot be polished.
  --split-by-sample                 One output BAM per sample.
  --unmapped                        Include unmapped records in output.
  --bam-index                STR    Generate index for sorted BAM output. Valid choices: (NONE, BAI, CSI). [BAI]
  --short-sa-cigar                  Populate SA tag with short cigar representation.

Input Manipulation Options (mutually exclusive):
  --median-filter                   Pick one read per ZMW of median length.
  --zmw                             Process ZMW Reads, subreadset.xml input required (activates UNROLLED preset).
  --hqregion                        Process HQ region of each ZMW, subreadset.xml input required (activates UNROLLED

Sequence Manipulation Options:
  --collapse-homopolymers           Collapse homopolymers in reads and reference.

  -h,--help                         Show this help and exit.
  --version                         Show application version and exit.
  -j,--num-threads           INT    Number of threads to use, 0 means autodetection. [0]
  --log-level                STR    Set log level. Valid choices: (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, FATAL). [WARN]
  --log-file                 FILE   Log to a file, instead of stderr.

Alignment modes of --preset:
    SUBREAD     : -k 19 -w 19    -o 5 -O 56 -e 4 -E 1 -A 2 -B 5 -z 400 -Z 50  -r 2000   -g 5000
    CCS or HiFi : -k 19 -w 19 -u -o 6 -O 26 -e 2 -E 1 -A 1 -B 4 -z 400 -Z 50  -r 2000   -g 5000
    ISOSEQ      : -k 15 -w 5  -u -o 2 -O 32 -e 1 -E 0 -A 1 -B 2 -z 200 -Z 100 -r 200000 -g 2000 -C 5 -G 200000
    UNROLLED    : -k 15 -w 15    -o 2 -O 32 -e 1 -E 0 -A 1 -B 2 -z 200 -Z 100 -r 2000   -g 10000

Copyright (C) 2004-2023     Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; it is intended for
Research Use Only and not for use in diagnostic procedures.


  1. 如果担心比对结果不佳,需要输出未比对的reads进行排查,可以加上--unmapped参数2。
  2. 由于pbmm2生成的bam文件MD tag格式有些特别,无法用于后续的sniffles进行SV检测。所以推荐使用pbsv进行后续SV检测2。

5. 公共数据演示:

(1) 从gencode数据库下载人类参考基因组, 进行pbmm2索引。

$ mkdir human_ref

#下载参考基因组 -  Genome sequence, primary assembly (GRCh38)
$ wget -c -t 0  https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gencode/Gencode_human/release_44/GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa.gz

$ mv GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa.gz GRCh38.fa.gz

$ gunzip  GRCh38.fa.gz 

#pbmm2 index
$ nohup pbmm2 index GRCh38.fa GRCh38.mmi  

(2) 下载示例数据。

Example Datasets


图6. 示例数据下载

(3) 示例数据与人类参考基因组进行比对。

$ pbmm2 align --preset CCS --sort -j 24 -J 4 \
 --log-level INFO --log-file pbmm2.HG002_1.log --sample HG002_1 \
human_ref/GRCh38.mmi m84011_220902_175841_s1.hifi_reads.bam HG002_1.align.bam 

$ pbmm2 align --preset CCS --sort -j 24 -J 4 \
 --log-level INFO --log-file pbmm2.HG003.log --sample HG003 \
human_ref/GRCh38.mmi m84010_220919_235306_s2.hifi_reads.bam HG003.align.bam 

$ pbmm2 align --preset CCS --sort -j 24 -J 4 \
 --log-level INFO --log-file pbmm2.HG004.log --sample HG004 \
human_ref/GRCh38.mmi m84010_220919_232145_s1.hifi_reads.bam HG004.align.bam 


  1. 重测序数据分析(短序列的比对算法SNP/indel 和CNV/SV calling 方法)

  2. 神灯宝典之PB三代重测序分析实录(一)

  3. 你可能不知道的基因组注释文件冷知识

  4. 超精华生信ID总结,想踏入生信大门的你-值得拥有

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