Creating a High Performance Cult
摘自: Toastmasters Magazine. July
Define your purpose and standards
A purpose-driven culture has two key characteristics:
1. The purpose is clearly formulated and it's more than "we do. Good".
2. All members of the organization are fully aware of the purpose and want to live it.
Set high standards and model them.
A key strategy to bring a culture to life is to focus on selected, observable behaviors. For example, in toastmasters one way to encourage members to stretch beyond their current abilities is to set the standard of applauding after every performance, and to provide mentors to new members.
Promote self-leadership.
A key quality and hallmark of a high-performance culture is when everybody is a leader and takes ownership in their tasks. People with great self-leadership don't wait until they are being told what to do.
Promote end-to-end ownership.
Make one person, not a committee, responsible for a task "end-to-end". This person will own the project. For example, if a toastmaster holds a leadership role and can't attend a meeting, that person is responsible for finding a replacement.
Leave the "fire principle".
Leaders should extinguish a fire while it's still small. That means seemingly small matters (e.g. a spreadsheet mistake or that one disrespectful sentence) must be discussed and addressed.
Communicate frequently.
The key is to enable exchange as fast as possible to quickly eliminate misunderstanding and friction. Quick alignments are key to avoiding confusion, especially in organizations where members don't see one another every day.
Train together.
Engage team members via feedback.
The best way to engage team members and employees is to teach the whole organization how to give energizing feedback that is actionable and can help individuals grow.
Regularly and positively challenging the status quo.
The right culture provides the glue that holds an organization together.
Try out new things and innovate.
Frequently test out new ideas, new ways of working, new approaches... and see what works.
Get quantitative and focus on the real world.
For example, you could measure and track the number of coaching talks per week, the number of strategy updates per month, the amount of feedback requested and so forth.
Creating a High Performance Culture Creating a High Performance Culture Creating a High Performance Culture