

2020-07-02  本文已影响0人  加菜

班级:L3-C        姓名:蔡嘉盈          序号:29

日期:2020/7/2      作业序号(Writing Assignment No.):009

This chart illustrates the percentage of people in different age groups who they can not live without the television. Overall the chart, the proportion of people who need television is increasing with age. The least part is the age of 18-26, the teenagers, about 17 percent. The most percentage pf people who can not leave television of people over 62, nearly 45 percent. Although the trend is not growing very fast, it has been rising steadily.

班级:L3-C        姓名:蔡嘉盈          序号:29

日期:2020/7/2      作业序号(Writing Assignment No.):010

This chart show us about the average global sea level increase between the 1997 and 2005. Overall the trend, the level of the average global sea level was increase. In 1997 to 1999, it started to show an upward trend, but it was the slowest upward trend in this chart. And in 2000 to 2002, it was show a fastest upward tend in this chart, up from 10 millimeters to about 19 millimeters. And it continue to increase, reach the highest point in 2005 of about 28 millimeters. 


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