

2018-05-17  本文已影响0人  大力_38ad

离别前的街道 温度降到适宜 开始有一丝离愁别绪 准备和这个城市说再见 街边的音乐家们还在演奏着摩登的歌曲 我只想挥动着手臂 在夜色中跳舞

After a riverside dinner, Amy and Noal, Joy and I walked on Swanston street at dawn.  A sentiment for departure was brewing and I was thinking it’s time to say goodbye . Street artists were performing modern and colorful songs, all I want to do was letting free my heart and arms, dancing. Melbourne was lovely, TONIGHT.

How I got to know Amy was because of Wendy. When I expressed my wishes to know more about English writing and critical thinking. Wendy said, “ I have a friend who is an experienced writing coach. You should definitely meet her! “ That’s how everything started, the art of connection.

Amy. Thanks to Amy. I pick up my confidence in listening and speaking because she speaks the pleasant standard American English ! Being a teacher, She constantly compliments my playful way of expression and gives Joy and me warmth by saying we are beautiful.  When my student needed tips for her literature analysis, Amy got my back. Delving into a huge collection of books, She is erudite, kind and appreciative .We talked on and on about A street car named desire. Literature over coffee,  what a nerdy fun. I felt like being French.

After I talked to some random Aussies, I made up a whimsical slogan: chatting to one Aussie a day, keeps psychiatrists away . In fact, that’s too ambitious to achieve, my number in the year was six. All together, I made 6 English-speaking friends . Amy and Wendy are two caring for us most.

Amy hosted workshops on meet-ups on pronunciation and small talks with Aussies. I participated in the latter. Participants were from all over the world, Egypt, India , Colombia, Sweden. We did some fun stuff like role-playing. For example, two persons were talking about  Game of Throne, suppose you hadn’t watched, but you needed to cut in.  What would you say?  The way class was given and the outcome was so different and interesting. I’m glad I have found a great teacher here.

On my dream list, I wrote “attending a party at a local’s house”  After half year of my stay, Amy invited us for Thanksgiving party. Devouring all the home-made dishes , the apple pie, turkey, chocolate desert, chatting to all nationalities, I was back into my teenage days when I first learned the words of Apple pie in Family Album U.S.A. Right there, right moment, textbook came alive.

In the restaurant, Amy got tipsy but I didn’t. How long could a memory of a hug last? When would the next meet-up be?  Would it be in Melbourne, China or America?  Bloody Mary, drinking, pink steel tower on Arts center, elegant stone bridge over yarra, orange and silver green light shadows on water, exuberance.

All the stories, silently, drifted away with the wind. I—- didn’t—- expect—- that.

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