Notes || On Writing Well (Chap.1
所读书籍:On Writing Well by William Zinsser
Part 1 | Principles
1. The Transaction
2. Simplicity
读书笔记 - 结构:
Words and Expressions
1. avocation
He was going to talk about writing as an avocation.
【义】 Your avocation is a job or activity that you do because you are interested in it, rather than earn your living. 业余爱好,嗜好。(罕)职业。
【源】前缀 a- 同ab-,意为从,从……离开。vocation,职业。avocation 即偏离主业。(Ev:如果是一般的四六级教师,则会说,这种前缀都指否定。)
2. arduous
Coming home from an arduous day at the hospital, he would go straight to his yellow pad and write his tensions away.
【义】involving a lot of strength and effort 费力的,努力的,险峻的。
【造句】It will be arduous, but I am sure that we will overcome.
Some people write their first draft in one long burst and then revise; others can't write the second paragraph until they have fiddled endlessly with the first.
【义】n. a violin
- 这个词很有意思,意为小提琴。作动词意为“瞎搞,摆弄;虚度时光,拉小提琴”。请问那些说英文的Native Speakers当初是怎么想的,莫非当初有人以拉民间小提琴的人去代指那些虚度光阴的人吗?(只是玩笑话,并没有贬意,不过这词的词源似乎并不好查。fiddler :小提琴手/游荡者)
- fit as a fiddle 身体健康;精神饱满的。
- fiddle with 摆弄;弄虚作假。
-涂鸦。可能来自dawdle,原指浪费时间,游荡,闲逛。因此,在英语国家,涂鸦不可避免的与浪费时间(a waste of time)挂上了等号。(但自从“涂鸦思考力”盛行,才让一部分人对doodle的想法产生了改变。)fiddle和doodle,似乎有点异曲同工之妙。
4. emotional baggage 感情包袱
What emotional baggage did he bring along?
- 或许English Speaker 和华语地区的人,在“包袱”这方面还是有共性的。
感悟 - Thoughts || 写作是一门技术。
- I said that writing is a craft, not an art, and that the man who runs away from his craft because he lacks inspiration is fooling himself.
- We are a society strangling in unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills and meaningless jargon.
- A clear sentence is no accident. Very few sentences come out right the first time, or even the third time.
如Mr.Zinsser 所言,"a clear sentence is no accident."
If you find that writing is hard, it's because it is hard.