摘要题(summary)顾名思义就是概括,总结。从考查内容范围上划分,摘要题可分为多个段落概括和整篇文章概括。如剑7 Test 2 Passage 2 The True Cost of Food中摘要题是对文章最后四个段落进行概括,剑5 Test 2 Passage 3 The Birth of Scientific
从题型上来划分,摘要题可分为选词填空和选择填空。如上面两篇文章摘要题都属于选词填空,题目要求Choose no more than two words from the passage
for each answer.而剑8 Test 2 Passage 2 The little Ice Age摘要题则是选择填空,题目要求Complete
the summary using the list of words, A-I, below.大部分同学在选词填空上正确率要比选择填空正确率高,选词填空可直接从文章里面挑选正确答案,而选择填空正确选项是与文章对应词的同义替换,如果不理解每个选项的意思,就无法选出正确选项。
从考查内容顺序上分析,摘要题大部分是按顺序的,在剑桥系列中只出现过两篇不按顺序的题(剑8 Test 2 Passage 2,剑五Test 4 Passage 2)。无论是多个段落概括还是整篇文章概括,大部分摘要题都是按文章发展逻辑顺序进行概括归纳的,所以摘要题题型大部分还是有序的。
Complete the summary of Paragraphs C and D below. Choose NO MORE THAN
TWO WORDS from paragraphs C and D for each answer.(剑六Test 1 Passage 3)
Professor Pretty concludes that our 22 ________are higher than most
people realise, because we make three different types of payment... . He feels
this would help to change the attitudes of both 26 _____ and _____.(剑7 Test 2 Passage 2)
第一句话里面有明显的标识词Professor Pretty。根据文章内容,Professor Pretty第一次出现是在D段落,按顺序原则,再加上这是最后一个题型,这篇summary题考查的范围应该是多个段落概括,答案涵盖范围从D段到最后一段G段。
In 1764 Dr Johnson accepted the contract to produce a dictionary.
Having rented a garret, he took on a number of 4 ______, who stood at a long
central desk. Johnson did not have a 5 _____ available to him, but eventually
produced definitions of in excess of 40,000 words written down in 80 large
notebooks. On publication... . According to this biographer, James Boswell,
Johnson’s principal achievement was to bring 6 ______ to the English language.
As a reward for his hard work, he was granted a 7 ______ by the king.(剑5 Test 1 Passage 1)
这道摘要题考查范围虽然横跨5个段落,但是可以根据每道问题中的标识词迅速定位到答案。第4题,定位时间1764;第5题,定位数字40,000;第6题,定位人名James Boswell;第7题,定位特殊名词the king。
Weather during the Little Ice Age
Documentation of past weather conditions is limited. Our sources of
knowledge of conditions in the distant past are 18 ______ and 19 ______. We can
deduce that the little Ice Age was a time of 20 _____, rather than... and yet
others that saw 22 _____ no rain at all.(剑8 Test 2 Passage 2)
剑桥真题系列中出现了多篇带有小标题的摘要题。小标题是对整个摘要问题的概括、总结,也就是说摘要问题主要内容是关于Weather during the Little Ice Age。并且小标题肯定与文章标题不一样,它是属于文章的一部分,比如这篇文章的标题是Little Ice Age,而问题的标题是Weather during the Little Ice Age,我们可以判断出这个摘要题是对于文章中描写小冰期的气候段落的总结。那么我们可以推断出带有小标题的摘要题是多个段落的总结。
雅思阅读文章一般每篇考查2-4个题型,以3种题型居多,如果摘要题出现在第一个题型,就往文章前半部分找(如剑5 Test 2 Passage 1,剑6 Test 2 Passage 2),如果摘要题出现在最后一个题型,就往文章后半部分找(如剑6 Test 1 Passage 2)。