2022-05-06 Reset your space
The key to being productive and effective is having a quiet, personal space that is clean and organized.
A clean space = A clean mind.
How could you possibly reset your life if you don’t reset (clean) your space?
I found it effective to throw out things with no other purpose but to take up space. This included outdated and outgrown clothing, old sheets, junk mail, etc. I also organized my work desk, cleaned out my car, and reorganized my kitchen cabinets.
A few other great methods I adopted that are great for decluttering and organizing your space(s) include:
- Deleting unwanted photos and apps from your phone
- Deleting old, useless files from your laptop
- Decluttering your email
- Throwing out old or unused products (hair care, skincare, etc)
Decluttering your space can improve your thinking and allow you to focus on the other things in your life you want to change. It’s important to have a space that allows you to be effective and efficient.