happy every day

2022-01-16  本文已影响0人  爱吃青菜和萝卜

today I closed quarantine, and come into pig farm.

Than I can start my job. If I finished my job before the spring Festival that I can rest early.

so step one I must solve all issues that customer found and report to me . until they think all the problems have solved .

step two I need connected all controllers informations and dates to one main computer by weblink. this job is not easy, my stuff has connected all controllers by link cables, and must set ip address and test one by one , make sure all cables connected very well.

Step three in the end . When I finished step one and two I can see all informations in main computer. And check whether which one missing.

now my job just start from step one.

I thought I'm good at solving problems , this afternoon I just took half day ,  only solve one problem.  that is one motor controlled the door open and close, I check by manual is ok , it could be open and close, But when I used auto model, it couldn't do anything.

In my dictionary no give up, so I test it again and again, in the end , I always knew why it cause this issue , is that limited switch not flexible, some time it is ok, some time it is broken. when I found this , I changed it , and test again , every thing is ok now.

most of time the difficult is to  found what cause the issue, and when you know why , you can solve it quickly.


