期刊科学语言解析阅读——Nature 引言精读
Somatic APP gene recombination in Alzheimer’s disease and normal neurons
①The diversity of neuronal form and function is intrinsic to the human brain, but its basis remains largely unknown. ②Early speculations involved gene recombination, analogous to the mechanism of anti-body diversification that was later identified, but this has not been described in the brain. Nevertheless, later identification of genomicmosaicism, which arises somatically to produce brain cells with distinct if seemingly random genomic changes, suggested genome dynamism that might include gene recombination. ③Genomic mosaicism was first identified in neuralprogenitor cells and neurons as aneuploidies and DNA content variation, both representing large copy number variations (CNVs). ④Randomly distributed, smaller megabase-scale CNVs,LINE1 repeat elements, and single nucleotide variations (SNVs) were subsequently identified. ⑤Genomic mosaicism can influence cell survival and gene transcription, but somatic gene recombination of specific genes has not been reported.
⑥ A candidate gene for neuronal recombination is APP, which shows mosaic CNVs in normal human brains. These CNVs are increased in sporadic Alzheimer’s disease(SAD), the most common form of Alzheimer’s disease. ⑦APP is central to the amyloid hypothesis wherein APP is cleaved by secretases to form toxic amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides and plaques,causing Alzheimer’s disease. ⑧ConstitutiveAPP mutations and duplications are believed to cause rare forms of familial Alzheimer’s disease (FAD) and Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology in Down syndrome (trisomy 21 with 3 APP copies), supporting the idea that they have a pathogenic role when present mosaically in SAD. ⑨We previously identified mosaic, neuronal APP CNVsthat showed heterogeneous signals that might be explained by gene recombination. However, interrogation of APP genomic loci(about 0.3 Mb) using low-depth, short-read single-cell sequencing capable of detecting CNVs produced negative results that were complicated by resolution limitations. ⑩ We therefore developed an alternative strategy focused on APP in small cell populations, using nine distinct methodologies (ExtendedData Table 1).
① The diversity ofneuronalform and function isintrinsicto the human brain, but its basis remains largely unknown.
句型: 简单句,连词+简单句
◆ 转折并列,两个简单句用连词(这里是but)时,除非句子很短,需要用逗号隔开;若没有连词,需要用分号隔开。比如如果这里没有but,逗号需要换成分号。
◆neuronal adj. 神经元的,neuron的形容词形式;
◆intrinsic adj. (to sth) belonging to or part of the real nature of sth/sb 固有的;内在的;本身的
例:Small local shops are intrinsic to the town's character.
◆ 同义替换表达:remain与be动词; largely 与 to a great extent; mostly or mainly
② Earlyspeculationsinvolved gene recombination, analogous to the mechanism of anti-body diversification that was later identified, but thishas not beendescribed in the brain.
◆借鉴表达:adj后置定语修饰前一个名词+定语从句,用逗号隔开,以便后面的 that指代明确。“, but”并列结构与第一句同。
◆speculation n. (about/over sth) the act of forming opinions about what has happened or what might happen without knowing all the facts 推测;猜测;
例:Our speculations proved right.
◆gene recombination:involves the exchange of genetic material either between multiple chromosomes or between different regions of the same chromosome. 基因重组:多个染色体之间或同一染色体的不同区域之间遗传物质的物理交换。
anti-body diversification 抗体多样化
◆同义替换: analogous(正式)adj. 可替换similar 、comparable,上期的resemble。
Nevertheless, later identificationofgenomic mosaicism, whicharises somatically to produce brain cells with distinct if seemingly random genomic changes, suggested genome dynamism that might include gene recombination.
◆ 表达借鉴:which引导的定语从句修饰紧邻的主语genomic mosaicism,为插入语,起补充说明作用,有利于明确主句结构:later identification of genomic mosaicism, ..., suggested...。
◆ 时态:客观描述用现在时;过去的发现用过去时
◆ genomicmosaicism基因组镶嵌性;注意genomic是genome基因组的形容词形式;genetic是gene基因的形容词形式
◆identification n. identify的名词形式,出了上次说到了identify的含义,identification还有身份证明(ID)、强烈的同情感、谅解或支持、密切关系或联系(~with sb/sth)
◆ seemingly adv. 看似;貌似;表面上;还有据说的含义
③ Genomic mosaicismwasfirst identified inneural progenitor cells and neurons asaneuploidiesandDNA content variation, both representinglarge copy number variations (CNVs).
◆ aneuploidy n. 非整倍体:指细胞的染色体数目发生非整倍变化的情况。如正常情况下应拥有46条染色体的人类体细胞的染色体变成了45或47条;非整倍体中的一条染色体的丢失或一条额外染色体的出现是遗传病的主要诱因之一。
◆ copy number variations (CNVs)拷贝数变异:基因组发生重排而导致, 一般指长度为1 kb 以上的基因组大片段的拷贝数增加或者减少;人类疾病的重要致病因素之一。
④Randomlydistributed, smallermegabase-scale CNVs, LINE1repeat elements, and single nucleotide variations (SNVs)weresubsequently identified.
◆ 借鉴表达:悬念型结构,逐渐让句子意思清晰,灵活段落的句子结构
◆Randomly 随机地,随意地(非事先决定或不规则),形容词random。
例:The hosuese are randomly scattered. 房屋随意地散落着
◆megabase (MB)兆碱基,DNA片段长度单位,相当于1百万个核苷,大约等于1cm。
◆ LINE1(Long Interspersed Nuclear Element Type 1)长散在核元件1,是一类的不包含长末端重复序列的逆转录转座子。
◆megabase DNA片段长度单位,相当于1百万个核苷,大约等于1cM (centimorgan厘摩, 基因交换单位)
⑤ Genomic mosaicismcan influencecell survival andgene transcription, but somatic gene recombination of specific geneshas notbeenreported.基因组镶嵌性可以影响细胞生存和基因转录,但是具体基因的体细胞基因重组还尚未被报道。
◆ 时态:客观描述用现在时,尚未做到用否定完成时
◆ 句子结构与第一句同
◆gene transcription基因转录:在细胞核和细胞质内进行;指以DNA的一条链为模板,按照碱基互补配对原则,合成核糖核酸RNA的过程。
⑥ A candidate gene for neuronal recombination is APP, whichshows mosaic CNVs in normal human brains. These CNVs are increasedin sporadic Alzheimer’s disease(SAD), the most common form of Alzheimer’s disease.
◆ 借鉴表达:简单句后的修饰成分形式灵活,可以是定语从句或名词(相当于省去了which+be动词)
◆ 介绍本次研究的主角:APP,客观描述,为现在时态
◆ sporadic Alzheimer’s disease(SAD)散发性阿尔茨海默病,与有家族遗传史的家族性阿尔茨海默病(familial Alzheimer’s disease, FAD)相对应
sporadic:happening only occasionally or at intervals that are not regular 偶尔、间歇性的
例:sporadic outbreaks of the disease 疾病的间歇性爆发
⑦APP is central to theamyloid hypothesiswherein APPis cleaved by secretases to form toxic amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides and plaques, causing Alzheimer’s disease.
◆ 继续介绍APP,客观描述,现在时态。wherein相当于in which situation,hypothesis是假定的情形,所以用这个词。causing后置ing成分,修饰紧邻的toxic amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides and plaques。
◆amyloid hypothesis淀粉样蛋白假说:认为AD患者体内Aβ的水平由于生产与降解过程之间的不平衡而异常升高,导致大脑中Aβ的沉积,这是导致大脑神经元损伤和死亡,患者记忆和认知水平下降的根本原因。
◆ 句子结构,定语从句+后置ing修饰
⑧ConstitutiveAPP mutations and duplicationsarebelieved to cause rare forms offamilial Alzheimer’s disease (FAD) and Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology inDown syndrome (trisomy 21 with 3 APP copies), supporting the idea that theyhave a pathogenic role when present mosaically in SAD.
◆ Constitutive~ (of sth) (formal) forming a part, often an essential part, of sth 组成部分的;本质的;基本的
例:Memoryis constitutive ofidentity.
◆familial Alzheimer’s disease (FAD) 家族性阿尔茨海默病
◆ neuropathology n. the study of diseases of the nervous system神经病理学
◆ Down syndrome (trisomy 21 with 3 APP copies)唐氏综合征(21-三体综合征)21号染色体的三体现象造成的遗传疾病,常见症状有发育迟缓、不同的面部特征以及轻度到中度的智能障碍。
◆ pathogenic adj.A pathogenic organism can cause disease in a person, animal, or plant. 致病的;可以用于同义替换
⑨We previously identified mosaic, neuronal APP CNVs thatshowedheterogeneous signals that might be explained by gene recombination. However,interrogation of APP genomicloci(about 0.3 Mb) using low-depth, short-readsingle-cellsequencingcapable of detecting CNVsproducednegative results thatwerecomplicated by resolution limitations.
此前,我们发现了镶嵌体神经元APP CNVs,释放或许可以通过基因重组解释的异质信号。然而,通过能够检测CNV的低深度、短读取单细胞测序来探究APP基因组核心(约0.3Mb)未能取得积极进展,而且检测的结果因为分辨率限制难以解读。
◆ 复杂表达借鉴:简单句+两个或两个以上定语从句;-ing/-ed紧邻修饰对象补充解释细节
◆heterogeneous ( formal ) consisting of many different kinds of people or things 由很多种类组成的;各种各样的;
例:the heterogeneous population不同族裔组成的人口
◆同义替换:interrogation 在这里相当于examination
◆single-cell sequencing单细胞测序
⑩ Wetherefore developed an alternative strategyfocused on APP in small cell populations, using nine distinct methodologies (ExtendedData Table 1).
◆ therefore位置灵活
◆alternative 表达灵活(比如口语一般容易说another strategy,类似情况可以同义替换)
◆ methodology n. ( formal ) a set of methods and principles used to perform a particular activity (从事某一活动的)方法,原则;这个词可以根据需要借鉴使用,同义替换。
loose sentence (松散句)和periodic sentence(圆周句)2。loose sentence 即句子主干放在前,并列句或修饰成分(定语从句、-ing、-ed、形容词、名词等)在后。即读完开头的句子就明白关键意思。periodic sentence属于悬念型,修饰成分在前,句子主干放在后。两种句子结构使用都可以非常灵活,接多个修饰成分或定语从句。
1. (loose sentence)The diversity of neuronal form and function is intrinsic to the human brain, but its basis remains largely unknown.
2. (periodic sentence)Randomly distributed, smaller megabase-scale CNVs, LINE1 repeat elements, and single nucleotide variations (SNVs) were subsequently identified.