
Game of Thrones S1-2-5

2018-07-09  本文已影响2人  雪木兰

Game of Thrones S1-2-3

第一季 02国王大道 The Kings Road

上期回顾: [Winterhell]:

Cersei一个人过来看望Bran,Cat有些受宠若惊,她根本不知道Cersei这个女人的真正用心。(细思极恐,如果Cat刚巧不在房间里呢?Cersei是不是就自己动手解决了Bran?)而Cersei一番感同身受的表达,不过做秀而已,最后一句才是重点: Perhaps this time she'll listen.

Cersei: Please.

Cat:Oh, I would have dressed, your Grace.

Cersei: This is your home. I'm your guest.Handsome one, isn't he? I lost my first boy, a little black-haired beauty. He was a fighter too...tried to beat the fever that took him. Forgive me. It's the last thing you need to hear right now.

Cat:I never knew.

Cersei: It was years ago. Robert was crazed, beat his hands bloody on the wall, all the things men do to show you how much they care. The boy looked just like him. Such a little thing...A bird without feathers. They came to take his body away and Robert held me. I screamed and I battled, but he held me. That little bundle. They took him away and I never saw him again. Never have visited the crypt, never. I pray to the mother every morning and night that she return your child to you.

Cat:I am grateful.

Cersei: Perhaps this time she'll listen.


Jaime 和 Snow 的一段对话,完全可以看两个人都不成熟,Jaime虽然摆出长辈的架式以及春风得意的样子 ,显出 Snow年少无知且初生牛犊不怕虎的尴尬,但事实上,此时的Jaime内心空空、玩世不恭,此时的Snow踌躇满志、前途未卜。

Jaime :A sword for the wall?

Snow:I already have one.

Jaime :Good man. Have you swung it yet?

Snow:Of course I have.

Jaime :At someone, I mean. It`s a strange thing, the first time you cut a man. You realize we`'re nothing but sacks of meat and blood and some bone to keep it all standing. Let me thank you ahead of time for guarding us all from the perils beyond the wall, Wildings and White Walkers and whatnot. We`re grateful to have good, strong men like you protecting us.

Snow:We`re guarded the kingdoms for 8,000 years.

Jaime :Is it "we" already? Have you taken your vows then?

Snow:Soon enough.

Jaime :Give me regards to The Night`s Watch. I`m sure it will be thrilling to serve in such an elite force. And if not? It`s only for life.

thrill (I`m sure it will be thrilling to serve in such an elite force. )


一阵兴奋/激动(a sudden strong feeling of pleasure or excitement)

big, great, real thrill 非常刺激,十分刺激

cheap thrill 庸俗的刺激

vicarious thrill 间接感受到的刺激

例句:He gets vicarious thrills from watching people bungee jumping.


enjoy, experience, feel, get, have thrill 享受兴奋感,体检刺激,感到激动

give sb thrill 给某人刺激


使兴奋/激动(to make sb feel a thrill)

例句:His singing thrilled the audience.


thriller 惊险剧/电影/小说

thrilled 激动的,兴奋的

thrilling 令人兴奋/激动

swing ( Have you swung it yet?)


1、(使)摇摆/摆动(to move backwards and forwards or from side to side, while hanging from sth; to make sb/sth move in this way)

例句:The rope was swinging from a branch.


2、(使)循曲线移动(to move in a curve or to make sb/sth move in this way)

例句:The window swung open and a head peeped out.


3、快速转移方向(to turn quickly)

例句:She swung round when she heard the door open.


4、swing (at sb/sth) 企图打击(to try to HIV sb/sth)

例句:He swung violently at the other man but missed.



1、摆动,挥动,挥击(a swinging movement or action )

例句:He took a swing at the ball.


2、秋千(a seat that you can swing backwards and forwards on, eg in a children's playground)

3、改变(立场等)(a change in public opinion, etc)

例句:Opinion polls indicate a significant swing towards the right.



:Septa Mordance says I have to do it again. My things weren't properly folded, she says. Who cares how they're folded?! They're going to get all messed up anyway.

Snow: It's good you've got help.

Watch. Nymeria, gloves.


Shut up .Nymeria, gloves.

I have something for you . And it has to be packed very carefully.

A present?

Close the door. This is no toy. Be careful you don't cut yourself.

It's so skinny.

So are you. I had the blacksmith make it for you special. It won't hack a man's head off, but it can poke him full of holes if you're quick enough.

I can be quick.

You'll have to work at it every day. How does it feel? Do you like the balance?

I think so.

First lesson : Stick them with the pointy end.

I know which end to use.

I'm going to miss you. Careful! All the best  swords have names, you know.

Sansa can keep her sewing needles. I've got a needles of my own.

[To be continued]

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