
2020-09-01  本文已影响0人  SAM52

14.2-Knowing Yourself-Using your Inventory



How can you most effectively use your personal inventory to improve your critical thinking performance? The answer is to apply the following strategy.

如何能更高效地使用你的个人清单来提高批判性思考的能力? 答案是应用以下策略:


  1. Answer all the questions in the critical thinking inventory honestly and thoroughly, acknowledging not only the pleasant facts about yourself but also the unpleasant ones. (If you ignore the latter, they will influence you no less; in fact, your refusal to face them may intensify the harm they do.)


  1. Reflect on your answers, nothing the areas in which you are expecially vulnerable. Don't expect to be equaly vulnerable in all circumstances; it is common for some to be more troublesome than others. Your goal here is to know your intellectual habits so well that you can predict exactly which thinking problem will arise for you in any particular situation.

回顾你的答案,注意你尤其脆弱的地方; 不要期望在任何情况下都是同样脆弱的;一些人比另外一些人更麻烦是很常见的;你的目标是更好地了解你的思考习惯,这样你就能准确地预测【在任何情况下你会出现的】思维问题;

  1. Whenever you address an issue, anticipate what problems are likely to undermine your thinking at each stage of the thinking process and make a conscious effort ot resist their influence.


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