听力1: How sugar affects the brain

2018-03-24  本文已影响0人  blablablurbling


sucrose蔗糖~ lactose乳糖~ maltose麦芽糖~ extrose右旋糖~ starch淀粉~ granola bars燕麦棒~ dried fruit果干~ cereal麦片 forebrain前脑~ cerebral cortex大脑皮层~ umami鲜味~ single唯一的~ subconscious潜意识的~fuzzy飘飘然的~kick-start(v.)开启~crave渴望~currency流通介质(比如DA transmitter)~nicotine尼古丁(烟碱)~heroin(海洛因)~overdrive,overactivate过度活跃(兴奋)veggies蔬菜,素菜,素食主义者(veggy)~


1.take a bite of cereal

over-consumption of sugar吃太多

2.fork off (into)=divide, split 岔开。 例:The path forked off in two directions.小路分岔后通往两个方向。

fork (off) left/right:  go left or right when a road divides into two parts 在岔口往左拐/往右拐  SYN  turn  例:Fork left at the bottom of the hill.在山脚的岔口往左拐。

fork sth into/onto etc sth  例:He forked some bacon into his mouth.他叉了几片熏猪肉送进嘴里。

fork out ( sth ) :to spend a lot of money on 〔不情愿地〕大把花钱,

fork over: give or spend 钱; 翻整(土壤)      例: The arena won’t be finished until private donors fork over more money.体育场要等有了更多的私人捐助才能建成。

3.increased tolerance to sugar耐受性增加

4.反馈系统的主要流通介质是多巴胺,Certain areas contain dense clusters of receptors(构成反馈系统的一部分) 稠密的受体丛

5.Speaking of healthy foods, let's say you are hungry and decide to eat a balanced meal. You do and dopamine levels spike多巴胺水平暴增 in the reward system hotspots.  But if u eat that same dish in a row连续好几天吃一样的, DA levels will spike less and less, eventually leveling out达到平衡,趋于稳定.

6.The DA levels off when the food becomes boring. 没有糖或者别的刺激时多巴胺也会稳定What happens if u eat sugar-rich food instead. If u rarely eat or don't eat much at a time, the effect is similar to that of the balanced meal. 如果很少摄入糖类  或者偶尔来一次也吃的不多,结果和上述平衡的饮食类似 But if u eat too much, the DA response doesn't level out, in other words, eating lots of sugar will continue to feel rewarding.但是如果吃太多就会有得到奖励的愉悦感,这时候糖就和毒品有点儿像了 In this way, sugar behaves a little bit like a drug.这就是为什么人们如此沉迷于甜食get hooked on sugary foods.大量频繁too much, too often摄入糖overdrive(过度兴奋受体)产生上瘾的效果,but a wedge of cake 偶尔一块儿蛋糕once in a while won't hurt u.影响不大

学习时间2018.Mar.23rd  加上  March 24th 20:58-21:26

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