# Massachusetts police ask residents to refrain from crime until after the heat wave passes
It's dangerously hot across much of the country this weekend — so hot, in fact, that police in Braintree, Massachusetts, are imploring would-be criminals to hold off on illegal activity until Monday.
The Braintree Police Department asked the community to put a pin in crime until the heat wave passes in a Facebook post Friday. "It is straight up hot as soccer balls out there," the department wrote in the post, which has racked up more than 106,000 shares since Friday.
布伦特里市警察局周五在脸书上发布了一则帖文,请求当地群众把犯罪的想法先放一放,等热浪过去之后再考虑。警察局在帖文里写道:“外面真的热成球了。”该帖文自周五发布以来,已累计获得了超过 10.6 万次的分享。
Yes, a police department really used the phrase "hot as soccer balls." The department confirmed to CNN Saturday that the post is, indeed, legit.
是的,警察局真的用了“热成球”这个说法。警察局在周六向 CNN 证实了这则帖文的真实性。
The heat is criminal enough. The National Weather Service issued an excessive heat warning for parts of the eastern United States, including Braintree in eastern Massachusetts.
That's simply too hot for lawbreaking, Braintree police said.
Committing a crime in this sort of weather is "next level henchmen status," the department said, not to mention dangerous to the offender's health.
In the post, the department suggested everyone wait out the heat wave indoors and suspend the illegal stuff until things cool down. "Stay home, blast the AC, binge Stranger Things season 3, play with the face app, practice karate in your basement," police said. "We will all meet again on Monday when it's cooler." The message is signed, "The PoPo."
在帖文中,警察局建议大家都暂停非法行为,呆在室内,等热浪过去,天气转凉再说。警察表示:“呆在家里,空调开到最大档,一口气看完《怪奇物语》第三季,玩会儿变脸 App,或者去地下室练练空手道,等下周一凉快点儿,我们再见。”这则信息的署名是:“警察蜀黍。”