
2021-07-19  本文已影响0人  爱机车的异乡人

But Mercedes stopped him ' Oh, Hal, you mustn't ,' she cried , pulling the whip away from him.


' The poor dogs. You must promise to be nice to them or I'm staying here !'


'You know nothing about dogs ,' answered Hal .' Leave me alone Dogs are lazy, and you have to wip them .'


Everybody knows that . Ask those men if you don't believe me .


Mercedes turned and looked at the watching men.


' They're tired, if you really want to know , ' said one of them 'They've been working very hard and they need a rest.'


'Rest?' laughed Hal. 'These stupid dogs are just lazy.'


Now Mercedes decided that her brother was right. 'Don't listen to that man,' she said 'You're driving our dogs and you do what you think is best.'

现在玛尔赛蒂认为弟弟是对的,“别听那人的,”她说。 “你驾驭我们的狗,你觉得怎么好就怎么办。”

Now Hal used his whip on the dogs . They pulled and pulled, but the sledge stayed where it was.


Hal was still using his whip when Mercedes stopped him again and put her arms around Buck .


' You poor, poor dears ,' she said . ' Why don't you pull hard ? then nobody will whip you.'


One of the men watching now spoke again. ' I don't care what happens to you,' he said, 'but I'm sorry for the dogs .'



