2018-11-27  本文已影响0人  Notyes


The cartoon depicts a conversation between a father and his son in which the son says "all of my professors ...with you and mum."Obviously,the cartoon reveals in a humorous way  the importance of being independent of our parents.

On the one hand,being independent of our parents is a sign of becoming mature.We are no longer little kids and our parents are getting older day by day.Just as a baby hawk will have to leave its nest after it grows up,young people have to leave their home and become independent of their parents. It is a natural way that we grow up but it is independence that symbolizes we are mature enough.

On the other hand independence helps us adapt to the realistic society.Sooner or later we will have to leave school and pursue our own career.We have to make our own life choice and cope with all the problem that we encounter on our own. Therefore,being independent contributes to adjusting ourselves to social life.

In a word,independence is of great importance to every young people.

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