
1A 3 Puffy at school

2019-08-21  本文已影响0人  乐澄一

Today is 21st August,2019.

It's a sunny day.Temperature is 27-32.

If you don't have a vision for the future, then you future is threatened to be a repeat of the past.--Alphonso R.Bernard


Read about puffy. Learn how to tell people what not to do.Learn the names of some school items.Then play a guessing game.

We and question with a "?".

Could you take a box in the classroom?And the children guess what in the boss.

Is it a doll?

No. It is a good Monster.He is Puffy.

What is this?

It is a window.

Do not close the window.

Do not clean the ball.


Sit down please.

Many things in the bag.Such as book,eraser,pen,penci  a ruler.

In this lessons.

I can use Is it to ask about things.

I can use it is to talk about things.

I can Complete and sing a song.

I can use  What is it to play a guessing game?

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