What Was/Is Where Is系列历史百科绘本27册

2018-12-05  本文已影响300人  初始图书俱乐部

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《What Was/Where Is历史百科》27册来啦!

作为who was系列的姐妹篇,这套What was历史百科系列丛书,以说故事的形式介绍国外著名的历史遗迹与历史事件,让孩子读得津津有味不亦乐乎。



1. What Was The Great Depression? 什么是大萧条?

2. What Was Hurricane Katrina? 什么是卡特丽娜飓风?

3. What Is the World Series? 什么是世界职业大赛?

4. What Was D‐Day? 什么是诺曼底登陆?

5. What Was the Hindenburg? 兴登堡号飞艇

6. What Is the Panama Canal? 巴拿马运河是什么?

7. What Is the Statue of Liberty? 什么是自由女神像?

8. What Was the Battle of Gettysburg? 葛底斯堡之战是什么?

9. What Was the March on Washington? 什么是华盛顿大游行?

10.What Was the Boston Tea Party? 波士顿茶党是什么?

11.What Was the Gold Rush? 淘金热是什么?

12.What Was Pearl Harbor? 珍珠港是什么?

13.What Was the First Thanksgiving? 第一个感恩节是什么?

14.What Was the Alamo? 什么是阿拉莫?

15.What Was the Underground Railroad? 地下铁路是什么?

16.What Was Pompeii? 庞贝古城是什么?

17.What Was Ellis Island? 埃利斯岛是什么?

18.Where Is the White House? 白宫在哪里?

19.Where Is the Great Wall? 长城在哪里?

20.Where Is the Grand Canyon? 大峡谷在哪里?

21.Where Is the Empire State Building? 帝国大厦在哪里?

22.Where Is Niagara Falls? 尼亚加拉大瀑布在哪里?

23.Where Is Mount Rushmore? 拉莫尔山在哪里?

24.Where Is Mount Everest? 珠峰在哪里?

25.Where Are the Great Pyramids? 大金字塔在哪里?

26.Where Is Machu Picchu? 马丘比丘在哪里?

27.Where Is Our Solar System? 太阳系在哪里?

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