
2018-08-28  本文已影响22人  瘦长的丰一禾


In [1]: def maxVal(toConsider, avail):
   ...:     """假设toConsider是一个物品列表, avail表示重量
   ...:     返回一个元组表示0/1背包问题的解,包括物品总价值和物品列表"""
   ...:     if toConsider == [] or avail == 0:
   ...:         result = (0, ())
   ...:     elif toConsider[0].getWeight() > avail:
   ...:         #探索右侧分支
   ...:         result = maxVal(toConsider[1:], avail)
   ...:     else:
   ...:         nextItem = toConsider[0]
   ...:         #探索左侧分支
   ...:         withVal, withToTake = maxVal(toConsider[1:],
   ...:         avail - nextItem.getWeight())
   ...:         withVal += nextItem.getValue()
   ...:         #探索右侧分支
   ...:         withoutVal, withoutToTake = maxVal(toConsider[1:], avail)
   ...:         #选择更好的分支
   ...:         if withVal > withoutVal:
   ...:             result = (withVal, withToTake + (nextItem,))
   ...:         else:
   ...:             result = (withoutVal, withoutToTake)
   ...:     return result

In [8]: class Item(object):
   ...:     def __init__(self, n, v, w):
   ...:         self.name = n
   ...:         self.value = v
   ...:         self.weight = w
   ...:     def getName(self):
   ...:         return self.name
   ...:     def getValue(self):
   ...:         return self.value
   ...:     def getWeight(self):
   ...:         return self.weight
   ...:     def __str__(self):
   ...:         result = '<' + self.name + ', ' + str(self.value)\
   ...:                 + ', ' + str(self.weight) + '>'
   ...:         return result
   ...: def value(item):
   ...:     return item.getValue()
   ...: def weightInverse(item):
   ...:     return 1.0/item.getWeight()
   ...: def density(item):
   ...:     return item.getValue()/item.getWeight()

In [9]: def smallTest():
   ...:     names = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
   ...:     vals = [6, 7, 8, 9]
   ...:     weights = [3, 3, 2, 5]
   ...:     Items = []
   ...:     for i in range(len(vals)):
   ...:         Items.append(Item(names[i], vals[i], weights[i]))
   ...:     val, taken = maxVal(Items, 5)
   ...:     for item in taken:
   ...:         print(item)
   ...:     print('Total value of items taken =', val)

In [10]: smallTest()
<c, 8, 2>
<b, 7, 3>
Total value of items taken = 15
In [3]: 
   ...: def buildManyItems(numItems, maxVal, maxWeight):
   ...:     items = []
   ...:     for i in range(numItems):
   ...:         items.append(Item(str(i),
   ...:                 random.randint(1, maxVal),
   ...:                 random.randint(1, maxWeight)))
   ...:     return items

In [4]: def bigTest(numItems):
   ...:     items = buildManyItems(numItems, 10, 10)
   ...:     val, taken = maxVal(items, 40)
   ...:     print('Items Taken')
   ...:     for item in taken:
   ...:         print(item)
   ...:     print('Total value of items taken =', val)
In [12]: import random

In [13]: bigTest(40)
Items Taken
<33, 10, 5>
<32, 10, 3>
<31, 3, 3>
<29, 10, 6>
<28, 3, 1>
<24, 10, 3>
<21, 9, 2>
<17, 10, 4>
<14, 8, 3>
<9, 7, 1>
<2, 9, 3>
<0, 10, 6>
Total value of items taken = 99

In [15]: def fastMaxVal(toConsider, avail, memo = {}):
    ...:    """假设toConsider是物品列表, avail表示重量
    ...:    memo进行递归调用
    ...:    返回一个元组表示0/1背包问题的解,包括物品总价值和物品列表"""
    ...:    if (len(toConsider), avail) in memo:
    ...:        result = memo[(len(toConsider), avail)]
    ...:    elif toConsider == [] or avail == 0:
    ...:        result = (0, ())
    ...:    elif toConsider[0].getWeight() > avail:
    ...:        #探索右侧分支
    ...:        result = fastMaxVal(toConsider[1:], avail, memo)
    ...:    else:
    ...:        nextItem = toConsider[0]
    ...:        #探索左侧分支
    ...:        withVal, withToTake =\
    ...:            fastMaxVal(toConsider[1:],
    ...:                avail - nextItem.getWeight(), memo)
    ...:        withVal += nextItem.getValue()
    ...:        #探索右侧分支
    ...:        withoutVal, withoutToTake = fastMaxVal(toConsider[1:],
    ...:                avail, memo)
    ...:        #选择更好的分支
    ...:        if withVal > withoutVal:
    ...:            result = (withVal, withToTake + (nextItem,))
    ...:        else:
    ...:            result = (withoutVal, withoutToTake)
    ...:    memo[(len(toConsider), avail)] = result
    ...:    return result
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