Sanctions against Russia对俄制裁-国会即

2017-08-07  本文已影响16人  LynnTra

Sanctions against Russia


They don’t trust him


The sanctions legislation to be passed by Congress is humiliating for the president


It’s out of my hands, Vlad 老普,我管不住了!

Jul 29th 2017/ United States 

MEMBERS of Congress do not agree on much, but on July 25th, after a bipartisan deal, the House of Representatives voted by 419 votes to three for a bill that toughens sanctions on Russia. This is punishment both for Russia’s meddling in the election that brought President Donald Trump to power, and for its continuing aggression in Ukraine. (The bill also includes new sanctions against Iran andNorth Korea.) AsThe Economist went to press, the Senate was expected to follow suit: senators endorsed a similar bill 98-2 in June. The aim is to get the legislation passed before the summer recess and sent to the president for his signature.


The implications are momentous. Mr Trump had hoped to lift the existing package of sanctions on Russia at some point. Now he has been stripped of his presidential authority to do so. Since the vote was almost unanimous, he mayhave no option but to accept it with as much good grace as he can muster. He couldveto it, but presidential vetoes can be overridden by a two-thirds majority inboth chambers, which in this instance could be achieved.


The bill both locks in and extends previous sanctions aimed at Russia’s energy firms and banks. It also now targets any entity that does business with Russia’s defence or intelligence sectors—a measure that could threaten buyers of Russian weapons with secondary sanctions. This is a blow to Mr Trump, who made it clear during his campaign that he wanted improved ties with Moscow.It now appears that many of the undeclared meetings that have subsequently come to light between Mr Trump’s inner circle of advisers—Michael Flynn, Jared Kushner and Donald Trump junior—and an assortment of Russians with links of various directness to the Kremlin, most notably Sergey Kislyak, the ubiquitous and gregarious former Washington ambassador, were aimed at thawing relations.

这项法案不仅锁定而且扩大了之前针对俄国能源公司和银行的制裁,现在还针对任何和俄国防卫或情报部门有交易的实体-即可用二次制裁对采购俄国武器的买家构成威胁。这对特朗普来说可谓当头一棒,他曾在竞选中清楚表明希望改善美俄关系。现在看来很多之前尚未公开、随之暴露的见面会议都是为了缓和两国关系,即特朗普核心顾问圈子(迈克尔.弗林Michael Flynn、贾里德.库什纳JaredKushner、小唐纳德.特朗普)和一帮俄国人的见面会,这些俄国人与克里姆林宫有着千丝万缕的联系,其中最有名的就是前俄国驻美大使-哪里都见得到的社交达人谢尔盖· 基斯利亚克(Sergey Kislyak)。

Vladimir Putin—who, beyond the reasonable doubt of America’s intelligence agencies (if not its president), authorised the election-hacking operation—may have had reason to believe that Mr Trump, once in the White House, would find a way to relax sanctions. American and European Union sanctions have dragged down Russia’s economy, which, already reeling fromlow energy prices, contracted sharply in 2015 and has stagnated since.


By overreaching, Mr Trump and Mr Putin have made the relaxation of sanctions politically toxic.That is bad enough for Mr Trump, but his humiliation does not end there. The Republican majority in Congress has, in essence, declared that it does nottrust a president from its own party to serve the national interest when it comes to dealing with Russia. There is no other way to interpret the provision in the legislation to prevent the president from suspending sanctions by executive order, in the absence of congressional approval, as Barack Obama did in order to secure the nuclear deal with Iran.


To lift Ukraine-related sanctions, Mr Trump would have to certify byletter that the conditions which had led to them no longer applied—in otherwords, that Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its support for separatists inthe east had ceased. Similarly, the new sanctions brought in to punish Russiafor its cyber-attacks could be eased only if Mr Trump could show solid proof that Russiawas actively and successfully clamping downon such activities. After receiving such a letter,Congress would then have 30 days to decide whether the president had made his case convincingly. Tellingly, the same conditions do not apply to the sanctionson North Korea and Iran.


Foreign-policy practitioners, including Mr Trump’s secretary of state, RexTillerson, have warned that this creates a potentially damaging precedent. By deliberately tying this president’s hands over Russia, albeit with good reason,Congress risks undermining the ability of future administrations to conduct diplomacy, which often requires flexibilityin light of changing circumstances. The bar foreventually removing sanctions will be so high that, in effect, they become permanent.


America’s European allies are worried too, both about the longer-term effects of this bill and the immediate impact of some of the new measures contained in it. The penalties that could be levied on European firms taking part in the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, which on present plans will start pumping gas from Russia to Germany in 2019, have already raised concerns in Berlin and Brussels. Those qualms are not shared by all EU countries, especially former members of the Soviet bloc, such as Poland and the Baltic states, who want to reduce their dependence on Russian energy.

美国的欧洲盟友也是忧心忡忡,忧虑的是这份制裁法案的更长远影响和其中一些新手段的直接后果。其中可能对参与北溪2号(Nord Stream 2)管道项目的欧洲公司施加的惩罚已经开始让德国和比利时两国感到不安了,这个备受争议的项目按现有计划将于2019年开始从俄罗斯向德国输入天然气。但并非所有欧盟国家都疑虑重重,尤其是前苏联集团的成员国,比如波兰和波罗的海诸国,他们反倒希望能减少自身对俄罗斯能源的依赖。

How might Mr Trump respond to such a setback to his ability to conductforeign policy on his own terms? One possibility is that it will increase hisdetermination to find a way out of the Iran nuclear deal, which, likeObamacare, he once pledged to scrap. For America’s nuclear-related sanctions onIran to remain suspended—a key condition of the 2015 agreement—the StateDepartment must inform Congress whether it believes Iran to be in fullcompliance every 90 days. So far, Mr Trump has twice reluctantly agreed tocertify and thus renew the presidential sanctions waiver. But when he did so on July 17th, it was only after kicking back hard against the recommendation of most of his senior foreign-policy and national-security team.


The White House now seems to be looking for a way to get out of certifyingthe Iran deal when it comes up forrenewalin October. To that end, the president has ordered White House staffers to bypass Mr Tillerson and to come up with the evidence and arguments he needs to undo the deal that the State Department has failed toprovide. Mr Tillerson is reported to be fed up with his lot.


It is still not clear whether Mr Trump wants to kill the Iran deal or tryand renegotiate it—something that the other parties to it (Britain, France,Germany, Russia, China and the EU) have already ruled out. But on Iran, unlike Russia, Mr Trump can almost certainly rely on the support of Republicans in Congress for whatever he decides to do. After the ignominy of losing control over sanctions against Russia, the urge to appear decisive and in control maybe hard for Mr Trump to resist.



译注:[1]“beyond a reasonable doubt”排除合理怀疑标准(法律用语),即陪审团只有在检方提出的证据能够排除所有合理的怀疑之后,才可以判定被告人有罪。换言之,如果陪审员(作为一名正常的、谨慎的人)对被告人是否犯罪仍存有合乎情理的怀疑,则陪审团会认为检察机关提供的证据还没有达到“排除合理怀疑”的标准,就会判定被告人无罪。

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