
Peak CH1B

2017-08-02  本文已影响0人  初一Susie

【word and expression】

in a nutshell

This is naive practice in a nutshell: I just played it.

[adverb]in or within a small compass or limit : in a very brief statement : in a few words

< explained the situation in a nutshell >

造句:I will tell you the story in a nutshell.

in a row

Play the piece all the way through at the proper speed without a mistake three times in a row.

In a series; one after another

【SYN】seriatim, on the trot, one after the other, on the run

造句:I stayed up two nights in a row and finished my homework.


That is a recipe for stagnation, not improvement.

释义:(figurative)something which is likely to lead to a particular outcome


例句:sky-high interest rates are a recipe for disaster.极高的利率易导致灾难的发生。

This recipe is an excellent start for anyone who wishes to improve—but it is still just a start.

释义:a method or an idea that seems likely to have a particular result(~ for sth :) 方法;秘诀;诀窍

【SYN】 formula :

»His plans are a recipe for disaster.


»What's her recipe for success?




This will be a banner day!

[attrib.](N. Amer.)excellent; outstanding

例句:I predict that 1998 will be a banner year.

造句:Steve is a banner student.


he could barely contain himself.

释义:to keep your feelings under control 控制,克制,抑制(感情)

【SYN】 restrain

例句:She was unable to contain her excitement.

造句:I was so excited knowing we were winner that I just couldn't contain myself.

fall short

to identify exactly where and how you are falling short.

释义:to fail to attain, reach, arrive at, or perform something

< the shot fell short >

< our efforts have fallen short >

but she fell far short of what Steve had accomplished.

fall short of :Fail to satisfy, as of expectations, for example.

反义词 :live up to

造句:They practiced a lot,but finally fell short.


he became something of a celebrity

释义: (informal) a person, a thing or an event that is much better than others of a similar type

»I've seen some fine players, but she's something else.


on the fly

Renée, by contrast, devised her mnemonics on the fly.

释义:in a hurry and often without preparation : hastily

造句:You shouldn't make a decision on the fly.


plus a six-digit rehearsal group at the end.

The best way to get past any barrier is to come at it from a different direction

DeLay first got a recording of Perlman playing the piece and timed it. 【time 的用法 】

he conceptualized them as a pretty good two-mile time—9:07, 【two-mile time 什么意思 】


he could switch his focus appropriately and come up with new memorization techniques that would address those weaknesses.

[笔记]switch,come up with,adress 用得好

so that he was always close to his capacity.


Someone who is already familiar with the sorts of obstacles you’re likely to encounter.

encounter obstacle的搭配

He always knew where he stood.这个句子用得简洁明了。


Purposeful practice is more purposeful,thoughtful,and focused than naive practice.


1.目标明确( has well-defined, specific goals.)



4.离开舒适区( getting out of one’s comfort zone.)

首先要设定一个长期目标,再拆分成可实现的短期目标,比如年计划细分为月计划、周计划,最后分配任务到每天。专注实现每项任务,每次完成都会带来成就感,这是一个正反馈,促使你继续完成目标。而即便你这次没有完成,反馈使得you know where you stand,你可以借此调整方法和短期目标。



然而本章的最后作者说,专注的练习、走出舒适区、刻苦的努力、逼自己超越极限,这些都还不够,最强大的方法是deliberate practice!所以之前讲的只是purposeful practice,有什么差别呢?且看下一章吧。

day2比day1多了点经验了,为了有时间读书,早上早起了半小时,晚上回来导出kindle里的标注,在印象笔记里做好全部词句的笔记,再选几个发到简书,总结感悟也相当费时间,刚才打了一大段不小心全没了,崩溃到不想写了= =感觉应该边读边做导图?笔记做了两小时,实在有点占用其他重要事情的时间,希望能找到更有效率的读书和记笔记方法。已经比我执医复习的时间还多了_(:з」∠)_害怕


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