

2018-09-16  本文已影响0人  小楼一夜听春雨_6128





our State of UX in 2018 report is out.Check it out and share it with your UX friends.


We manage so much content every weekthrough our Medium publication and our weekly newsletter, that filtering thesignal out of the noise almost becomes second nature to us. This is the thirdyear in a row that we publish this report, so I guess we can now say it hasbecome a tradition.


Here are the questions that we askourselves every year:


What are the technologies that will affectour routine as designers the most in the coming year?


How has the UX community organized itselfwhen it comes to sharing and discussing content online? What is changing?


What are some new behaviors we are seeingfrom users in the experiences we design?


How has our design process changed in thelast year, and how do we see it changing in the near future?


How has our tool set evolved?


What transformations can we expect in ourdiscipline and our careers?


What is the impact of the work we do inusers’ lives, in our work environment, and in our society as a whole?


1 The death and rebirth of UX                    UX的死亡与重生

2 Designing for the age of immediacy        面向即时时代的设计

3 Lack of diversity affects business           缺乏多样性影响企业

4 Every interface is a story                          每一个界面都是一个故事

5 Redesigning the design process               重新设计过程

6 A new generation of collaboration tools   新一代协作工具

7 Branding beyond the pixels                        超越像素的品牌

8 Every designer is an influencer                  每个设计师都是有影响力的。

9 AI and the big why                                       AI和大问号

1 The death and rebirth of UX


In our 2016 trend report, we pointed outthat the concept of being a UX Designer is becoming so pervasive that will soondisappear. Heading into 2018 this transformation is finally taking shape. Thevariety of platforms and channels we design for demands a new set of skills,methods, and body of knowledge that go beyond what the classic website-and-appUI designer can deliver.


About the fall of UX can make designersanxious about their careers. But if you have been working in this industry forlong enough, you have probably seen this happen before. From “webmaster”, to“information architect”, to “interaction designer”, to “UX designer”, we havealways been able to adapt what we do and call ourselves – while maintaining ourmission of creating meaningful experiences for people.


As the broad "UX designer" titlestarts to dissolve, we see fellow designers focusing on new paths andspecializations:


Some designers are adventuring in newfields and technologies, like virtual reality, conversational design, voiceinterfaces;


Some are focusing on more specific areas ofthe design craft, like motion design, prototyping, UX writing;


Some are updating their titles to ProductDesigners, broadening their scope beyond interaction design to focus more onproduct strategy and business.


"Improving people’s lives throughdesign” sounds like a great objective to put in your Linkedin profile. But thedesigns we create also have to make business sense.


2018 will be the year where designers will,not without struggle, learn to be more strategic about the features, screens,and experiences they design. It’s about time we accept the fact we are notartists and embrace being part of a business. For the best.


2 Designing for the age of immediacy


Real-time social media experiences arechanging people’s expectations around how long it should take for products andservices to deliver on their needs. How does that affect the product you areworking on today?


Live streaming on social apps is growingfast. Snapchat puts everyone's lives on the map and lets you follow yourfriends’ steps in real time. Messaging platforms, from Whatsapp to Intercom,allow businesses to have real-time (and automated) conversations with theircustomers. The constraints of tools, infrastructure and geographical barriersthat used to limit or delay communication have fallen.


3 Lack of diversity affects business


The whole reason why User-Centered Designexists as a discipline is that the audience of a product is inherentlydifferent than the designer who created it. They have different ages, genders,religious beliefs, cultural backgrounds, political views, They come fromdifferent cities or countries, But most importantly: they think differentlythan you.


User-Centered Design – and its mindset ofbringing users into the design process – exists to reduce gaps between who iscreating a product and who is using it. UX is about closing the gap betweenpeople.


There are two broad strategies you can useto close that gap:


You can reduce the gap, by incorporatinguser research methodologies into your design process. This allows the team tofind out, ahead of time, if a particular feature in your product is not workingfor a certain audience segment (e.g. testing the Snapchat filter mentionedabove with the right users before launch would have saved the companyleadership a lot of trouble).


You can prevent the gap, by hiring adiverse design team. This doesn’t eliminate the need for user research, buthaving a plural team can help ensure different perspectives are taken intoconsideration. A designer with an interracial or mixed background would haveraised their hand when reviewing the set of emojis above.

你可以通过雇用一个多样化的设计团队,来预防这个缺口, 这并不能消除用户研究的需要,但是拥有一个多样化团队可以帮助确保考虑到不同的场景。一个有着不同种族或不同背景的设计师在回顾上面的情形时会举起手来。

Food for thought: what if your next sideproject was less focused on design gradients and more on taking action towardsan inclusive design industry?


Let’s make 2018 the year when diversity andinclusion stop being only a topic at design conferences, buzzwords on a slide,or a box to be checked by HR, to becoming actionable within design companiesand teams everywhere. What are you doing about it, today?


4 Every interface is a story


Storytelling and writing have never been sopresent in the design world. As customer journeys become more fragmented, it isour job to ensure brands are telling a coherent story across channels – andthat those stories are clear, interesting, and human.


When you design a page, you are essentiallytelling a story to your audience. Forget modules, column grids, iconography,colors for a second, and think about the core of what you are trying tocommunicate. What if, before jumping into a design software to startwireframing, you created simple story outlines using a text editor?


Stripping away all the visual clutter canhelp you focus on the core of the message you are trying to communicate.


The popularity of conversational interfacesamongst designers and developers has also raised a lot of awareness to theimportance of copywriting for the user experience. Chatbots, for example, areexperiences that rely almost entirely on a word exchange between user andmachine; every word has to be carefully selected, to make sure people know howto interact naturally with the bot.


And the reality is that an increasingnumber of users are consuming your content in a design-agnostic fashion –whether they are using a screen reader, the reader mode in a certain browser,subscribing to your content via an RSS feed or newsletter, or even viewing yoursite via Google AMP.


When you remove all styles, does your pagestill tell a cohesive, clear story?


As a designer, how can you incorporate moresophisticated storytelling techniques into the experiences you create? In theend of the day, what is your design really trying to say?


5 Redesigning the design process


Designers are increasingly encouraged bycompanies to design not only the product, but their process and the workenvironment around them. It's about time we redesign our design process.


When the smartphone breakthrough happened adecade ago, UX design was at the spotlight for software and hardware; it wasall about reimagining the traditional desktop experience into a new interface,form factor, and behavior.


In the next decade, UX designers will havea more secondary, humble role. With artificial intelligence, virtual reality,blockchain, chatbots and other emerging technologies, visual interfaces are nolonger the focus. The value we add is not just on how polished they look; it isbringing and sharing our toolbox and process to help businesses create healthy,sustainable ecosystems and narratives.

在接下来的十年里,UX设计师将扮演一个更次要、更卑微的角色。带着人工智能, 虚拟现实, 区块链, 聊天机器人以及其他新兴技术,视觉界面不再是焦点。我们所增加的价值不仅仅在于它们看起来有多漂亮;它还带来并分享了我们的工具箱和过程,以帮助企业创建健康、可持续的生态系统和叙事。

None of this should be new, though. As UXdesigners, our brains have been shaped to see the world in a systematic,non-linear way.


We see patterns everywhere. We understandstructures. We create frameworks. We test, iterate, and test again.


This architectural thinking can be used inmany more exciting ways than sketching out sitemaps or doing card-sorting toorganize an app’s menu. It can go way beyond digital UI.


Design is a process that can be applied toanything, including our work environment. Why are you still complaining aboutbad meetings, instead of redesigning them?


In the process of adapting to the behaviorsof a predominantly millennial workforce, companies have become much more opento listening to feedback from employees – and to completely reimagining theirprocess in some cases. In fact, the work skills for the postnormal era go waybeyond professionalism and dependability; companies expect employees to speakup and help design, collaboratively, their own process.


This trend becomes even stronger when itcomes to UX. Formulaic design processes are less and less capable ofaccommodating the complexity of the products we design. Question your process.Design your process first, before designing your product. In 2018, how can weapply our design tools and skills to create better experiences not only for ourusers, but also our teams and colleagues?


6 A new generation of collaboration tools


Real-time collaboration


比如 腾讯文档,XD,墨刀,石墨文档,realtimeboard蓝湖 国外为谷歌文档,figma,invision


Version control





Knowledge transfer



7 Branding beyond the pixels


As we move into a world of fragmented, lessvisible interfaces, branding means a lot more than how a brand looks or what itsays in mass media. Non-pixel-based experiences are pushing designers torethink a brand’s personality, actions and signifiers.


In the past couple years, we startedcreating living design systems, covering interface behaviors that can only berepresented in real code – such as motion, responsiveness, transitions andaccessibility features.


What is going to happen to branding as wemove into a world of invisible interfaces?


Interfaces are gradually becoming invisibleas we move toward a world of Zero UI. Screens will start to go away, andinteractions will primarily happen via voice, gestures, glances, or even bythought. Branding means a lot more than just visuals these days.


In 2018 we expect to see branding takingother forms, in particular:


Voice. Google Assistant’s tone of voice,timbre, speech cadence, all had to be designed – as much as Google’s logo,brand colors, or screen-based interaction patterns used in its sites and apps.The experiences we design are quickly expanding to voice-based channels, and wehave to make sure they feel like coming from the same brand.


Personality. With the growth of chatbotsand other text-based interfaces, the words chosen by a brand have a huge impacton how people perceive and interact with the company. The concept of tone ofvoice has expanded to include other aspects of a brand’s behavior andpersonality, from the jokes it makes to the emojis it uses.


Action. When Airbnb decides to banalt-right users from its platform who were organizing an extremist rally inCharlottesville, US, people admired the brand more. Same thing when it exemptsservice fees for people offering shelter after natural disasters. The actions abrand takes through its products will have more impact than the way it looks orwhat it communicates in mass media. Like any other type of branding, actionstaken by brands have to be coherent and consistent with the brand’s beliefs,design principles, and mission in the world.


But wait, why would UX designers have toworry about branding?


Now, more than ever, the efforts from thedesign team have to be orchestrated with the efforts from marketing, PR,customer service, and other groups within your organization. Our discipline canbe the glue that connects these experiences, given our ability to look atjourneys from the perspective of the user, regardless of the channel they areusing.


8 Every designer is an influencer


In 2017 two new channels emerged and becamequite popular among designers:


The comeback: a newsletter longtail


http://newsletter.uxdesign.cc/(可以邮箱注册订阅来自UX Collective的文章)

Our good old friend the-electronic-mail hasmade a comeback in 2017 and is not giving any signals of going away – at leastwhen it comes to design and tech-related mailing lists. Every company has anewsletter. Every design blog has a newsletter. Every designer has a personalnewsletter.


The rise: designers-YouTubers



High Resolution was by far the most excitingpiece of content created by and for the UX and Design community this year.Incredibly well crafted, with smart questions and pretty awesome hosts JaredErondu and Bobby Ghoshal, the series featured 25 video interviews with terrificdesigners and thought leaders in our industry, and has set the bar high onvideo content about design.

高分辨率是到目前为止最令人兴奋的内容,由UX和设计社区创造和今年。令人难以置信的是,凭借巧妙的提问和非常棒的主持人Jared Erondu和Bobby Ghoshal,该系列的25部视频采访了我们这个行业的优秀设计师和思想领袖,并在有关设计的视频内容上树立了很高的门槛。

As content creation in UX evolves andgrows, we should keep in mind the right balance between the energy spentcreating the content vs. the value it adds to the community. Are we spendingall this energy to genuinely give back to the community, or are doing it forthe claps, likes, and for the visibility that it brings?


9 AI and the big why


Every new disruptive technology follows thesame pattern: designers fall into the trap of focusing on the how, to only thenask about the why. With AI it isn’t any different. In 2018 we will have to workhard to make sure the excitement around the technology doesn’t get in the wayof the user’s experience.


As designers (and human beings) we have anatural curiosity to want to understand the potential and limits of atechnology by pushing its boundaries and asking all the "what if…?"questions. After all, experimenting is a great way to understanding.


Our entire industry is rushing to launchthe world’s first AI-powered [insert industry here], not always with a properuse case for it. But as soon as we decide on a technology over user needs, wefail to be user-centered.


It’s a pattern that repeats itself now andthen.


In the early 2010s, there was a rush forcreating “a mobile app for _______”.

In 2016, a rush for creating hundreds ofservices that were “the Uber for ______”.

In 2017, “the first conversational_______”.


2016年,一场争相创造数百项服务的热潮被称为“优步(Uber For___)”。


In 2018, every service we know will add thelabel "AI-powered" to it. An AI that creates bodega vending machines;AI that controls your meetings; AI that checks in on your kids for you; AI thatreplaces you at work. Oh, and an AI church as well.

And again, we are surfing on a buzzwordwithout even knowing what it really means.


First and foremost: AI is not a new channel(like mobile, connected devices, or chatbots). AI is an aspirational termreflecting a vision, that can be executed in many different ways.


Calling everything AI does a disservice toour industry. Designers pretend they know what AI is and how it works, andstart using the term almost as a band-aid, when all they are trying to say is“a smart algorithm”. The term “intelligence” itself presents the technology asa monolithic, all-or-nothing endeavor, benchmarked against a human – whichmight not be the right way to start.


Just because something is possible doesn’tmean it should exist in the world.


Before attaching the term “AI” to yourproduct or feature idea, ask yourself:


How is this different than just a simplealgorithm?


What exactly is this intelligence going tolearn to do by itself?


What is the user need for this"AI" feature? Can it be solved in other ways?


What are three ways in which this intelligencewill benefit users?


Do you really need to tell users theproduct is "powered by AI"?


If that’s the case, how can you communicatewhat "AI" is, with clarity, simplicity and trust?


How much visibility, transparency andcontrol will you give users about how the AI operates?


What if this time around we leapfrogged tothinking about “why” we are creating these AI-powered services and what itreally means for our users?








“Anyone who influences what the designbecomes is the designer. This includes developers, PMs, even corporate legal.All are the designers.”

-Jared Spool










Thanks to Fernando Bittar and Jackie Fokfor making this possible.





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