
2019-06-05  本文已影响0人  马骏Martin

第二编 货币的价值

第十一章 货币客观交换价值及其变化的度量问题



Some of the greatest minds in economics have devoted themselves to the development of indexes that would provide an objective measurement of the change in the purchasing power of money. However, such statistical techniques have never lived up to their promises, as even their own creators often admitted.


Just as we can express the price of any commodity by reference to how many units of money it takes to purchase one unit of the commodity, the opposite approach can yield the “price” of a unit of money in terms of the commodity. However, this technique yields as many “prices” of money as there are commodities. What economists desire is a method for combining all of this information into a single measurement of “the” purchasing power of money. Then, a second task is to ask of any particular commodity’s price change, how much can be attributed to forces arising from the side of money (in contrast to a change in the relative scarcity of the good which would also make its price rise).


Nearly all attempts at measuring the objective exchange value of money have relied on the assumption that if a large enough collection of goods are included in the “basket” to be measured, then changes in the relative scarcities of the goods themselves will largely cancel out. Thus the average or net change in the prices of all the goods (as quoted in money) will demonstrate whether the purchasing power of money has risen or fallen. Unfortunately, in practice it is only possible to carry out such calculations by making ad hoc assumptions about the relative importance of various factors. In the end, the economic theorist does not gain much from studying the various statistics of price movements that he could not obtain from deductive reasoning about the nature of exchange and money.


Wieser devised the most careful and satisfactory approach to measuring the objective exchange value of money, with a technique involving the contrast between nominal and real income. However, even Wieser’s approach had several fatal flaws. For example, over large stretches of time, the types of income people could earn become incommensurable, robbing Wieser’s technique of its desired precision.


The criticisms leveled against various techniques for calculating index numbers refer to the problems of economic theory. In practical use for government policy, these techniques provide a rough guide to changes in the purchasing power of money.



  1. Explain: “Only by letting fall morsels of statistics is it possible for the economic theorist to maintain his prestige in the face of questions of this sort.” (p. 188)

  2. 解释:“经济理论家在面对这类问题时,只有提出一些统计数据,才能维护其声誉。”(英文版第188页)

  3. Explain:“He who cares to go to the trouble of demonstrating the uselessness of index numbers for monetary theory and the concrete tasks of monetary policy will be able to select a good proportion of his weapons from the writings of the very men who invented them.” (p. 188)

  4. 解释:“那些不辞辛苦想证明指数对于货币理论和货币政策的具体任务没有任何作用的人们,可以从指数发明者的著作中选择他们可用的大部分武器。”(英文版第188页)

  5. Why are index numbers not very important for the “extension of the theory of the nature and value of money”? (pp. 189–90)

  6. 为什么指数对于“货币性质和价值的理论的扩展”不是很重要?(英文版189-190页)

  7. Even if we grant for the sake of argument that a loaf of bread possesses a constant utility in the objective sense of food value, why is this approach unhelpful when it comes to the use of index numbers in monetary theory? (p. 193)

  8. 即使我们为了论证而假设在客观意义上,一条面包总是具有相同的效用,永远具有相同的食物价值,为什么这种方法对于指数在货币理论中的应用没有帮助?(英文版第193页)

  9. Does Mises think that index numbers are completely useless? (p. 194)

  10. 米塞斯认为指数是完全无用的吗?(英文版第194页)

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