2021-08-04 本文已影响0人
Today, let's talk about insurance.
Have you buy insurance for yourself, Or for your family or children or parents?
If you say nothing, You should get it.
Last month,
My daughter had a cold, She had a bad cough,
And she admitted into the hospital.
The result is good, My daughter has to be healthy .
And we paid about 2000.
Yesterday, My daughter's insurance reimbursed about 1600.
The same thing happened in my grandma.
My grandma ride her electric car, And happened a traffic accident.
When she admitted to the hospital too.
The other person involved insurance assume
all of the pay.
If he didn't have the car insurance,
That's very difficult.
So we need the insurance, everyone.
Take care of yourself.
Thank you for You reading.
See you