全新版大学英语Unit 3 unit file
Useful Expressions
在过去的一百年间in the last hundred years
回到go back to
享有特权的少数人a privileged minority
当今政府the present government
基础科学basic science
全球政府 a global state
民主社会a democratic society
做出明智决定make informed decisions
生活水准 the standard of living/ living standard
卡通人物 cartoon figures
科幻小说science fictions
酸雨acid rain
温室效应greenhouse effect
核武器nuclear weapons
基因工程genetic engineering
死记硬背learn by rote
使销量减半halve the sales
分子生物学molecular biology
外星文明alien civilization
对…充满信心have sufficient faith in…
do without modern medicine
对某人来说有风险 be risky for
倒退到...... put the clock back to
探究求索之士 inquiring minds
human initiative and inventiveness
have a basic understanding of science
犹豫不决;三心二意 in two minds
电视剧 television series