1000个TED计划TED 演讲

【007】人类性进化的启示|Are we designed to

2017-07-14  本文已影响3人  TedDigger

Speaker:Christopher Ryan

Key words:性 进化 社会性 人类学

Abstract:在农业文明之前,人类实际上已经相当混杂了。作者Christopher Ryan向我们展示了具有争议的证据,证明人类天性即为性杂食者,同时也呼吁更深刻的理解与包容来杜绝歧视、羞辱和不切实际的期望以消除这种性杂食关系。


Key view :

human beings are sexual omnivores by nature

human sexuality is first a bonding device and only secondarily procreation.

True life:

Mosuo from southwestern China. In their society, everyone, men and women, are completely sexually autonomous.

In the Amazon, we've got many tribes which practice what anthropologists call partible paternity. So a woman who wants to have a childwho's smart and funny and strong makes sure she has lots of sex with the smart guy, the funny guy and the strong guy, to get the essence of each of these men into the baby, and then when the child is born, these different men will come forward and acknowledge their paternity of the child. So paternity is actually sort of a team endeavor in this society.


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