记得从高中起,只要一上英语课,老师们都会立马从说汉语切换到英语,而且强烈要求无论我们说什么内容,一定要用英语来交流。这就引发出一个问题:在英语学习的课堂上,“只许讲英语”要不要成为一个规定?我想大家本能的答案(gut answer)应该是“对”,因为在课堂上只讲英文是学生学好英语的唯一途径。虽说如此,有人却对这一严格的规定持有一些其它的看法。在开始说他们的想法之前,我们先一起看下支持在课堂上只讲英语的正面观点(pros):
学生只有通过讲英语才能学会如何说英语。(Students will learn to speak English only by speaking English)
允许学生说其它语言会转移他们学习英语的注意力。(Allowing students to speak other languages distract them from the task of learning English)
不讲英语的学生会很快因为说自己的语言而转移注意力。(Students who don't speak English only soon become distracted by speaking their own language)
把一门语言说流利的唯一方法就是要专注这门语言。(The only way to become fluent in a language is by being immersed in the language)
强制学生在课堂上只讲英语是要让他们用英语来交流学习的过程。(Forcing students to speak only English in class requires them to negotiate the learning process in English)
学生说另一种语言会转移其它英语学习者的注意力。(Students speaking another language distract other English learners)
只讲英语是有效课堂管理的一部分。(English only is part of effective classroom management )
用学习者的母语来解释语法概念可以加速学习的进程。(Providing or allowing for explanations of grammar concepts in learners' L1 (first language) speeds up the learning process)
在课堂上用另一种语言来交流可以让学生查漏补缺,尤其是上大课的时候。(Communicating in another language during class allows students to fill in the gaps, especially if the class is large)
允许学习者用母语来进行一些沟通可以建立起一种更加轻松的氛围,有助于学习。(Allowing some communication in learners' L1 establishes a more relaxed atmosphere that is conducive to learning)
解释单词更容易,不需要花费太多时间。(Translating vocabulary itemsis much easier and less time consuming when other languages are allowed)
在课堂上遵守“只许讲英语”的规定会把英语老师变成“交警”的角色。(Committing to an English only policy in class effectively turns the English teacher into a traffic cop)
根据学生的英语技能,他们对学习重要的概念仍有局限性。(Students are limited to learning important concepts by their English language skills)
以上的观点我认为十分有道理,尤其是针对那些刚刚开始学习英语的初学者们来说,适当的母语沟通可能会更有助于他们的理解。诚实地说,我觉得要不要在课堂上推行“只许说英语”是一个头疼的问题(a thorny issue)。在我看来有两个主要原因:
让语言等级较低的学生用自己的母语来解释很难的概念会更有效率。Allowing lower level students to explain difficult concepts in their native language is more efficient.
2. 英语老师只是英语老师,不是“语言警察”。
English teacherisan English teacher, not a language cop.
让一些高级的学习者用初学者的母语来帮助他们会带动课堂的学习进度,这是一个很现实的问题(a pragmatic question)。我认为,每堂课可以留出五分钟的“只许讲英语时间”,这样比花十五分钟为那些英语技能还无法理解复杂结构、语法或词汇的初学者不断地重复解释要有效得多。
老师不可能把精力花在观察每一个学生有没有偷着说自己的母语。不可否认地说(admittedly),在英语课上学生说其它的语言不太好,老师也应该提醒学生们尽量用英语来交流,但作为一名英语老师,应该通过帮助学生学习来促进大家获取更多的英语语言知识,而不应该只是监督他们的行为(policing behavior)。