#30天专注橙长计划# Halloween day14
Day 14 每日金句:Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

今日气温骤降,却阳光明媚,蓝天和光照只是假象。今天的超级个体分析了时下很流行的自由职业者 准确的说应该是一种自由职业态--一个人自己拥有产品、营销和运营能力,所以他可以去企业里也可以自由经营。自己出产品并能打造个人品牌或通过社会关系营销出去,同时拥有自我管理和持续学习的能力,基本的法务和财务能力(运营)。
除此之外还从古典老师的助理于水水那里偷师了如何能成为一个很厉害又很有趣的人?主要三点1.每月策划一个成就事件,突破舒适区,学会克服困难,增强自信;2.每周留出一个Different Night,认识世界 保持好奇 滋养生命;3.每天创造一个小确幸 幸福是可以规划和自我创造的。万圣节的这一天我收到了自己买的2017年日历,做了11月生命之花计划,还有额外的写满段子的手纸和公司活动抽中了一盒巧克力派,10月份的最后一天,好好珍惜

自我管理之BEC higher备考口语 Company Image
Intangible item --Marketing strategy,communications,product and market positioning should work together to create the image you desire Pricing strategy/Sales strategy/Customer service/Publicity/Promotions Align your sales strategy and tactics with your company image. Image is the identity of the company. It reflects the quality of their product or service.Good image enhance public recognition and increased popularity will translate into great trading volume and profits. Logo is central marketing tool copyright culture difference Corporate celebration aim to enhance a strong sense of belonging and a sense of community within the company. Strengthen ties