
A BriefGuide to Quitting a BadHa

2018-12-11  本文已影响28人  冰清言心

A BriefGuide to Quitting a BadHabit


Leo Babauta 

8/07/15 2:00pm

Filed to: HABITS(This post originally appeared onZen Habits.这篇文章最初转自Zen Habits。)

There aren’t many of us who don’t have some bad habit we’d like to quit:smoking, sweets, shopping, nail-biting, porn, excessive checking of phones orsocial media, other distractions. The problem is that we think we don’t havethe willpower, faced with past evidence of failure after failure when we’vetried to quit before.


We don’t think we can quit, so we don’t even try. Or if we do try, we giveourselves an “out,” and don’t fully commit ourselves. Let me tell you this:quitting a bad habit takes everything you’ve got.

It’s hard, but doable—if you put your entire being into it. If you’re not good at changing habits, I actually suggest you start here, and just focus on creating a new, good habit. But if you’re ready to finally quit something,here’s a short guide to doing just that.



10 Steps to HelpYou Quit Your Bad Habit

You don’t actually need to follow every single one of these steps to quita habit, but the more of them you do, the higher your chances. I recommend allof them if you want to be all in.



1.Have a big motivation. Lots of timespeople quit things because it sounds nice: “It would be nice to quit caffeine.” But that’s a weak motivation. What you really want is strong motivation: I quit smoking because I knew it was killing me, and I knew my kids would smoke as adults if I didn’t quit. Know your Why,and connect with it throughout your quit. Write it down at the top of a document called your “Quit Plan.”


2.Make a big commitment. Now that youknow your motivation, be fully committed. A common mistake is say, “I’ll dothis today,”but then letting yourself off the hook when the urges get strong. Instead, tell everyone about it. Ask for theirhelp. Give them regular updates and beaccountable.Have  a support partner you can call on when you need help. Ask people notto let you off the hook. Be all in.


3. Be aware of your triggers. What events trigger your bad habit?The habit doesn’t just happen, but is triggered by something else: you smokewhen other people smoke, or you shop when you’re stressed out, or you eat junkfood when you’re bored, or you watch porn when you’re lonely, or you check yoursocial media when you feel the need to fill space in your day. Watch yourselffor a few days and notice what triggers your habit, make a list of triggers onyour Quit Plan, and then develop an awareness of when those triggers happen.


4. Know what need the habit is meeting. We have badhabits for a reason — they meet some kind of need. For every trigger you wrotedown, look at what need the habit might be meeting in that case. The habitmight be helping you cope with stress. For some of the other triggers, it mighthelp you to socialize, or cope with sadness,boredom,loneliness, feeling bad about yourself, being sick, dealing with a crisis, needing a break or treat or comfort. Write these needs down on your Quit Plan, and think of other ways you might cope with them.


5. Have a replacement habit for each trigger. So what will youdo when you face the trigger of stress? You can’t justnot doyourold bad habit—it will leave an unfilled need, a hole that you will fill withyour old bad habit if you don’t meet the need somehow. So have a good habit todo when you get stressed, or when someone gets angry at you, etc. Make a listof all your triggers on your Quit Plan, with a new habit for each one (one new,good habit can serve multiple triggers if you like).


6. Watch the urges, and delay. You will get urges to do your badhabit, when the triggers happen. These urges are dangerous if you just act onthem without thinking. Learn to recognize them as they happen, and just sitthere watch the urge rise and get stronger, and then and fall. Delay yourself,if you really want to act on the urge. Breathe. Drink some water. Call someonefor help. Go for a walk. Get out of the situation. The urge will go away, ifyou just delay.


7. Do the new habit each time the trigger happens. This will takea lot ofconsciouseffort—be very aware of when the triggerhappens, and very aware of doing the new habit instead of the old automaticone. If you mess up, forgive yourself, but you need to be very conscious ofbeing consistent here, so the new habit will start to become automatic. This isone reason it’s difficult to start with bad habits—if there are multipletriggers that happen randomly throughout the day, it means you need to beconscious of your habit change all day, every day, for weeks or more.


8. Be aware of your thinking. We justify bad habits with thinking.You have to watch your thoughts and realize when you’re making excuses fordoing your old bad habit, or when you start feeling like giving up instead ofsticking to your change. Don’t believe yourrationalizations.


9. Quit gradually. Until recently, I was a fan of theQuit

Cold Turkeyphilosophy, but I now believe you can quit gradually.That means cut back from 20 cigarettes to 15, then 10, then five, then zero. Ifyou do this a week at a time, it won’t seem so difficult, and you might have abetter chance of succeeding.

9、慢慢戒掉。之前,我成了Quit Cold Turkey哲学家的粉丝,但是想着我相信你可以慢慢戒掉。也就是说将20根烟减少到15根,然后减到10根、5根,最后减到0。如果你这样做一次做一个星期,看上去并不难,而且会更有可能成功。

10. Learn from

mistakes. We all mess up sometimes—if you do, be forgiving, and don’t let onemistake derail you. See what happened, accept it, figure out a better plan fornext time. Write this on your Quit Plan. Your plan will get better and betteras you continually improve it. In this way, mistakes are helping you improvethe method.


I’m not saying this is an easy method, but many people have failed becausethey ignored the ideas here. Don’t be one of them. Put yourself all into thiseffort, find your motivation, and replace your habit with a better habit foreach trigger. You got this.




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