
2017-12-26  本文已影响0人  甜菜的垂耳兔
Thucydides was an Athenian historian and general. His History of the Peloponnesian War recounts the 5th-century BC war between Sparta and Athens until the year 411 BC.


He has been called the father of the school of political realism, which views the political behavior of individuals and the subsequent outcomes of relations between states as ultimately mediated by and constructed upon the emotions of fear and self-interest.

他被称为政治现实主义学派(the school此处为学派,而不是学校啦)之父,该学派(which)认为个体的政治行为和国家关系引发(引发与后果搭配)的后续结果(subsequent outcome)是由恐惧和私利情绪产生并最终发展(mediated by and constructed )而来的。

More generally, Thucydides developed an understanding of human nature to explain behavior in such crises as plagues, massacres, and civil war.

从广义上来说(More generally 一般来说),修昔底德开启了(developed)对人性的解读,从而解释瘟疫、大屠杀、内战等危机情形(crises)下的人类行为。

Graham Tillett Allison, an American political scientist and professor at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, coined the phrase “Thucydides Trap”, otherwise known as the security dilemma, to refer to when a rising power causes fear in an established power which escalates toward war. The past 500 years have seen 16 cases in which a rising power threatened to displace a ruling one. Twelve of these ended in war.

哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院(Kennedy School of Government )的美国政治学家、教授格雷厄姆•迪利特•艾力森创造(coined杜撰)了“修昔底德陷阱”一词,也就是(otherwise)我们所说的安全困境,是指当一个崛起的大国(rising power原词就是大国的意思)引起了现存(established)大国的恐惧,就会升级为战争(escalates toward war)。在过去的500年间,有16次出现一个新崛起的大国对现存大国造成威胁的情况,其中有12次都引发了战争(ended in war)

The security dilemma has long been debated among international relations theorists. As a theory, its development was influenced by the experience of Athens and Sparta—Thucydides wrote of the Peloponnesian War that “it was the rise of Athens and the fear this instilled in Sparta that made war inevitable”—and arms racing during the Cold War. The security dilemma suggests that increases in one state’s security—even a defensively motivated power—may decrease the security of another power. (Or, as Charles Glaser put it, moves to reassure one power make the other less secure.) States are fundamentally uncertain over one another’s present and future intentions. However, the theory continues, this does not mean states are doomed to fight. The offense-defense balance of military technology allows states to break out of the security dilemma. This depends upon the relative advantages of offense versus defense, and the degree to which offense and defense can be differentiated from one another.

国际关系理论界(theorists)长期以来一直在讨论安全困境。作为一种理论,它的发展受到雅典和斯巴达的经验的影响(influenced by)——修昔底德在写到伯罗奔尼撒战争时提到:“雅典的崛起以及这种崛起在斯巴达引起的恐惧(the fear this instilled ),使两国间战争不可避免”;同时,这一理论也受到冷战期间的军备竞赛(arms racing)的影响。安全困境表明(suggests),一国安全力量的增加(甚至是防御力量的增加),可能会降低另一国的安全力量。(或者,正如 Charles Glaser 所说的那样(as put it),一国采取安全措施(reassure one power)让……安心会使另一国更加不安全。)各国对彼此目前和未来的意图根本(fundamentally)无法确定。然而,这个理论仍在发展(continues),这并不意味着国家之间注定要战斗。军事技术的攻防平衡(offense-defense balance)能够让各国摆脱(break out of )安全困境。这取决于进攻与防守的相对优势,以及进攻与防守可以相互区分(differentiated)的程度。

The world today is very different from the time of ancient Greece and mankind has more wisdom to avoid history repeating itself.As a Chinese saying goes, to achieve success, one has to obtain "opportunities of time vouchsafed by Heaven, advantages of situation afforded by the Earth and the union arising from the accord of people," or to put differently, right time, right place and right person.

当今世界与古希腊时期有很大不同,人类在避免重蹈覆辙(history repeating itself.历史重演)上更有智慧。正如中国的一句古语所说,要想成功,必须要取得“天时、地利、人和”。

If these three conditions are ripe, China and the United States face an unprecedented opportunity to break the trap and create a win-win situation for both countries and the world as a whole.


This is a world where peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit have become the trend of the times. The Cold War mentality and zero-sum game theory should be abandoned.

21世纪的世界,和平、发展、合作、共赢已成为时代潮流。冷战思维(mentality)零和博弈(zero-sum game theory一方的成功必导致一方的损失,即非合作)的老框框必须摒弃。

Despite continuous regional conflicts, there is no sign of another world war breaking out. More and more countries choose to sit and negotiate in solving their disputes. Those who don't follow the peaceful trend will ultimately fail.

尽管天下仍不太平,小规模的地区性冲突乃至局部战争时起时伏,但世界范围的大战始终没有(no sign of)打起来,越来越多的国家选择坐下来谈判磋商,以解决纠纷。世界图景中,和平因素的增长超过了战争因素的增长。逆时代潮流而动者,终将失败(Those who don't follow the peaceful trend will ultimately fail.)

With globalization deepening, one country's loss will definitely not just be its own. "No conflict, no confrontation" will serve as the bottom line for the relationship between the world's two largest economies in the new era.

人类生活在同一个地球村里,一荣俱荣,一损俱损(one country's loss will definitely not just be its own.妙啊妙啊,一个国家的损失并不是他自己的,而是大家的。就是一荣俱荣,一损俱损。)。作为当今世界第一和第二大经济体,两国关系关乎世界命运。“不冲突、不对抗”将是中美关系的底线。(这一段细细品味)

It is important to remember the pledge of the United Nations "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind."

《联合国宪章》序言中的宣誓(the pledge of)值得(重要的就是值得哈哈)永远铭记:“我联合国人民同兹决心:欲免后世再遭今代人类两度身历惨不堪言之战祸……”

Hatred and war can only bring disaster and distress, especially when both China and the United States have nuclear weapons. If war erupts, China's development would surely suffer a severe blow, but the U.S. leading role in the world would also be weakened.

历史足以告诫人类:偏见和歧视、仇恨和战争,只会带来灾难和痛苦(distress)。历史错误容不得再犯。尤其是核武器出现后,大战一旦爆发,整个人类将面临灭顶之灾(suffer a severe blow)。

It is true that China is rising, but it is a peaceful rise. China just wants to bid farewell to its humiliating modern history and realize its dream of national rejuvenation through reform and opening up.

的确,中国正在崛起,但这种崛起是和平的崛起。中国只是想告别(bid farewell to)屈辱的近代历史,通过改革开放实现民族复兴的梦想(dream of national rejuvenation )。

Both China and the United States are important members of the Asia-Pacific region which boasts the world's fastest economic growth and the greatest potential for development. It is also a region of converging interests for both countries.

中美在太平洋两岸隔洋相望(important members好好好,妙妙妙 ),都是亚太重要国家。一方面,当今亚太是全球经济发展速度最快、潜力最大、合作最活跃的地区,也是中美利益交织(converging interests)最密集、互动最频繁的地区。

China and the U.S. shoulder the common responsibility to maintain peace, stability and prosperity of the Asia Pacific, which is also the wish of regional members.

促进亚太和平稳定繁荣,是中美两国的重要使命(shoulder the common responsibility 共同责任),也是地区国家的共同愿望(wish)。

Economic interdependence alone does not guarantee peace, but it is indeed a strong force to prevent war. It is in America's interest for China to be successful, peaceful and prosperous and vice versa.

经济上相互依赖并不能保证避免冲突(peace)正话反说,但确实是阻止冲突的重要力量。中国经济繁荣符合美国利益(in America's interest for ),反之亦然。

It is the first time in history that an existing power and a rising power have so many shared interests. Standing on the same ground, even if the two countries have 100 reasons to diverge, they have 1,000 reasons to cooperate.

一个当前大国与一个崛起中大国有着如此之多的共同利益,这在历史上尚属首次。从共同立场出发(Standing on the same ground, ),中美纵有(even if 什么场合用什么词儿,很好)100个理由产生矛盾,也会有1000个理由保持合作。

China is now a major player and supporter of the current international system, in which it is a full member. The more developed China becomes, the more it needs a peaceful and stable international environment. So does the United States.

中国都是当今国际体系重要参与者(major player)和支持者。中国的发展需要和平稳定的国际环境,美国亦是如此。

These pragmatic steps demonstrate the two sides do in fact share interests and can successfully work together.

中美之间这些务实举措(pragmatic steps)说明双方利益共存,可以成功开展合作。

The interaction between Chinese and US leaders could ensure that both sides understand each other's strategic intention and avoid making mistakes on fundamental questions.


Forty-six years ago, the visit of the U.S. table tennis team to China opened a new chapter in China-U.S. relations. Now there is a flight between the two countries every 17 minutes. The number of students studying in each other's country has exceeded 500,000.All these lay a good public opinion foundation for further cooperation.


A different history, culture, social system and development stage make it just natural for China and the United States to have divergences, but it is not the mainstream of their ties. Even if there are issues they cannot resolve, they can manage them.

由于两国历史文化背景不同,社会制度、发展阶段各异(development stage不同,各异用的很合适),两国出现分歧也是自然的。但分歧不是两国关系的主流,即使无法解决,双方也能加以管控。

Over 90 intergovernmental dialogue and cooperation mechanisms have been set up so that where there are unhelpful comments or examples of narrow-minded strategic thinking, they cannot prevent the two countries from cooperation.

中美双方已建立起90多个政府间对话与合作机制,保证双方合作不会受到不利言论(unhelpful comments)战略疑虑(narrow-minded strategic thinking)的影响。

The two sides will continue to maintain strategic communication in the areas of the military, open seas, outer space, and cyber domains to increase trust.

双方将继续在军事、公海(open seas)、外太空、网络等领域保持战略沟通,以增进互信。

American leaders have emphasized many times that they welcome a strong, prosperous and stable China. Now it is time for the U.S. side to match this important statement with concrete actions.


"The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going," as American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson said. Now the three conditions (time, place and person) are ripe, it is time for China and the United States to stand on the same side to escape the historical fatalism of confrontation between big powers. If Thucydides trap is replaced with a new model of major-country relationship, China and the United States will have made a great contribution to the world's future and mankind's wisdom.

正如美国哲学家拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生说:“人但有追求(who knows where he is going 人知道去哪里),世界亦会让路。”中美再次来到了关键的历史当口,没有理由不抓住天时、地利、人和三重有利因素,携手打破历史怪圈。用新型大国关系终结(replaced with)“修昔底德陷阱”,将是中美携手献给世界未来和人类智慧的最好礼物。

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