My first 30 day.
A TED talk inspired me today. It said that 30 days is just about the right amount of time to add a new habit if you insist on doing it everyday. I wanna to make some small changes, to add some small but useful habits and substract some bad habits. The reason why I write this is to use the power of my friends to supervise me. And the reason why I use English to record is because it's also a good way to cultivate English expression ability. From now on, I will update everyday for 30 days. If I give up halfway, please remind me of my initial starting point --- becoming a better me. Mua~ : )
My 30-day challenges
1 A TED talk
2 Read >30mins
3 50 sit-ups
4 Learn English
5 Update here using English
6 total food calories
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1 问题:有点单线程,多任务并行时会乱
2 问题:容易分心
3 问题:情绪带到学习中,啊…心情不好不想学习…T^T
解决方案: 嗯…还没有想到,目前的想法是不要做女生就好了,╮(╯▽╰)╭
4 问题:拖延症
解决方案:一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭。a 杂事速度做好,然后安静对着电脑开始做事;b 做一件可以30分钟完成的事情,不要拖拖拉拉60分钟才做完。
时间可以衡量的:a 轻了2斤(未节食,饮食更健康);b 看完了1.3本书;c 仰卧起坐基本上可以一口气做完了。自我感觉的:a 下意识多去听英语了,基本上不看字幕,美剧/TED大概意思都能get;b 喜欢甚至主动去talk with foreign teachersc 开始下意识去模仿和听,感觉英语成了每日一部分,虽然这感觉还是有点微弱,哈哈。