
2016-10-28  本文已影响0人  壹朵

10 reasons you're always tired

(lack of sleep not included)

原文:Yahoo Style UK

If you are, here are a few things that could be causing your daytime sleepiness.


1)You’re dehydrated


Water acts as a transportation system, regulating blood volume and dispersing essential nutrients around the body. As a result, even the slightest shortage of H2O can leave you feeling tired and lethargic.


No matter how much you dislike the taste of water, it’s important that you get your eight glasses a day to avoid dehydration. Fruit, soups, and even cups of tea all count towards your daily fluid intake - but be aware of excess sugars, as these too can make you sleepy.


2)You’re burnt out


Work hard play hard isn’t the best way to live if you’re constantly trying to catch forty winks. The fast lane isn’t for everyone, and trying to fit a busy work / social life into 24hrs can be very demanding for your body. If this sounds all too familiar, consider booking a little ‘me time’ and get a good night’s sleep.


According to health specialists Bupa, the optimum time is eight hours rest. Get into the habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time, as this also helps to keep tiredness at bay.


3)You skip breakfast


It’s true, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After 'fasting’ throughout the night, your body needs food to replenish and reboot, ready for the day ahead. Fail to eat the necessary nutrients first thing, and you’ll start to feel sleepy come 10am. What you need is a hearty breakfast.


4)You’re skipping exercise


Everyone’s knows the benefits of exercise - it keeps you fit and healthy, and releases those lovely endorphins that make you feel amazing. But when it actually comes down to reaching for your gym bag and lacing up the running shoes, sometimes lounging in front of the TV seems like the better option. After work, you’re just too tired to run 30 mins on the treadmill.


However, skipping daily workouts can actually make you sleepier. A study conducted by the University of Georgia found that even 20 minute bursts of exercise three times a week can help you feel more energized. Ditch the bright TV screens that work your mind into overdrive before bedtime and give your body the exercise it needs to function effectively.


5)You have a high sugar diet


It goes without saying, what you eat has a remarkable effect on your body. Load up on junk food and sweet treats, and your health is the first to suffer. Whilst it feels like the perfect quick-fix in the moment, those sugars are actually having the opposite effect; soon after eating them, you’ll start to feel lethargic and in need of another pick me up.


Avoid fizzy drinks for an energy boost and refuel on water - your body will thank you for it. And instead of high-salt fast foods, fill up on fibre-packed fruit and veg (vegetable)  that leave you feeling fuller for longer.


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