2023-03-05 What is Life Trying t

2023-03-04  本文已影响0人  春生阁

Look, I’m not one of these mystical, woo woo, watches *The Secret *documentary type of people.

I don’t think everything happens for a reason. There are many horrible parts of life that seem to have zero reasons behind them.

But, whether directly or indirectly, life does tend to tell you things.

Whether or not you listen is up to you. The same goes for what you do once you’ve heard the message.

Life tells you things in the moments of comfort and discomfort you experience. Comfort can either be a sign that everything is okay — contentment — or that you’re settling.

This is never easy to decipher, but try to. Discomfort can tell you something’s wrong, but it can also tell you that you’re growing.

Many feelings and emotions are frequencies of the same energy. Easiest example — love and hate.

It’s no easy task, but trying to parse out which frequency you’re feeling and what to do about it is the key to…everything.

The hard part about it, though? You usually don’t want to hear the actual, raw, literal truth.


