2018-11-30 52 hurdle
2018-11-30 本文已影响0人
1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:a problem or difficulty that you must deal with before you can achieve something
例句:Life is all about jumping over one hurdle after another.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
当我们想表达“克服XX障碍”“解决XX问题”时,除了使用 problem、difficulty、obstacle 外,还可以使用 hurdle。
我们经常会说,生活就是解决一个又一个问题,不断往前走的过程,就可以这么说: Life is all about jumping over one hurdle after another and keeping moving on.(注意 and 连接的 jumping 和 keeping 的一致性。)
hurdle 前面经常搭配的动词除了上面的 jump over,还有 clear、overcome等。比如创业会面临一系列的挑战,例如融资、招人、持续增长等。我们就可以这么说: To run a start-up, one needs to clear a series of hurdles, and securing enough funding is simply one of them.
通常还可以在 hurdle 前面加上一个形容词,来说明是哪方面的障碍。上面的句子也可以改写成: Every entrepreneur has to clear the financial hurdle to get their project started.(hurdle 前面用 financial 修饰,说明是资金方面的障碍。)
再比如,我们想说“滴滴在刚开始的时候需要搞定政府监管”,“政府监管”就可以说成是“regulatory hurdle”: When Didi, a Chinese cab-hailing app, first started, it had to overcome the regulatory hurdle.
3. 从认识到会用(作业)
adj big,difficult,high,main,major,significant,final,first,lat,nest legal,regulatory,technical
v+` clear,jump,overcome,pass,fall at,hit
We will jump each~ as we come to it.