
2016-10-19  本文已影响107人  _ming_ming

      As the saying goes twenty-one days becomes a habit.If the input is not only to develop the output of bad habits.I think his life is difficult to change.Just this morning,the teacher said cinema watching soap operas are not directly receive information.For a long time that people will develop a lazy bad habits.I do not want that,on the contrary,leisure time watching some of the classic English movies,and recorded before oblivion thinking and feeling,it would probably also a shallow bar output.Before I watch The social network,I think this is what a movie yet.You know,I've been very obsessed with network and technology.The first look at the time,Mark Elliot Zuckerberg genius and betrayal unique character attracted me.Create facebook and facebook's development and growth,his lonneliness and low EQ gradually revealed,it is the so-called geniuses are lonely,this really is some truth.Later,in his website after the break a millon people,do not let Sean go that far,and the end of the film is constantly refreshed,it can be seen in the reflection of his own past.I look forward to the next view,there will be a new experience.


俗话说二十一天形成习惯。如果养成了只输入不输出的坏习惯,我想终其一生都是难以改变的。就在今天早上,老师说看电影看肥皂剧都是直接接受信息而不用输出信息。那样长期以来会让人养成懒惰的坏毛病,而我不想如此,恰恰相反,闲暇时间看一些经典英文电影,并在遗忘之前记录下所想所感的话,大概也是一种浅薄的输出吧。在我看这部电影之前,我就在想这是一部什么内容电影呢。要知道,我一直对网络与科技很迷恋。第一次看的时候,马克 扎克伯格的天才与背叛的独特性格深深吸引了我。在创建facebook以及facebook的发展壮大中,他的孤独与低情商逐渐显露出来,正所谓天才都是寂寞的,这果然还是有几分道理。后来,他在网站突破一百万人后,让肖恩不要做得那么过分,以及影片结尾只是不断地刷新,可以看出他在反思自己的过去。期待我下一次观看时,会有新的体会。


