
2016-09-09  本文已影响0人  點伍毫克
❤“以前我认为那句话很重要,因为我相信有些事说出来就是一生一世。现在想想,说不说也没有什么区别。有些事情是会变的,我一直以为自己赢了,直到有一天我看着镜子才知道我输了。在我最美好的时间里,我最喜欢的人不在我身边,如果能重新开始该有多好。”    ——《东邪西毒》

I used to think that sentence is very important, because I believe that some things are said to come out for life. Now think about it, that there is no difference between saying. Some things will change, I always think that I won, until one day I looked at the mirror to know that I lost. In my best time, my favorite person is not in my side, if you can re start how good."


