
2017-09-26  本文已影响7人  peizhenjy


1.A recentsurvey showed that many workers in a certain company are dissatisfied withtheir jobs. The survey also showed that most of the dissatisfied workersbelieve that they have little control over their job assignments. Therefore, toincrease workers job satisfaction the company’s management need only concentrate on changing

workers’beliefs regarding the degree of control theyhave over their job assignments.

Which one of the following, if also shown by thesurvey, would most seriously call into question the conclusion made by theauthor of the passage?

(A) The dissatisfied workers feel that their wagesare too low and working conditions are unsatisfactory.

(B) The number of workers in the company who aresatisfied with their jobs is greater than the number who are dissatisfied.

(C) The workers in the company are moredissatisfied than workers in other companies

(D) Most people in company management believe thatthe workers already have too much control over their work.

(E) The workers in the company who are satisfiedwith their jobs believe that they have a lot of control over their job assignments.

2.Aristotle wrote that a tyrant would be well advisedto put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are moretolerant of unjust treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-rearing andpious. Moreover as most subjects believer that even the gods are on the side ofthe ruler, the subjects are less apt to move against him.

Which one of the following is an assumption on

which Aristotle’sargument depends?

(A) The subjects of tyrannical rulers typicallybelieve that there is a power other than the mortal.

(B) A tyrant cannot rule unless he has divine poweron his side.

(C) The subjects of tyrannical rulers can rarely befooled by appearances.

(D) Tyrants who are devoted to religion will nottreat their subjects unjustly

(E) For a tyrant, the appearance of uncommondevotion to religion is a more effective means of ruling than unjust treatment.

3.All those who keep a journal will be heard bythe next generation. Some of these journal writers are true artists, othershumorous observers of the commonplace, and still others insufferable egotistswho feel compelled to record their every thought.

If the statements above are true, which one of thefollowing must be true?

(A) Not all of those who are humorous observers ofthe commonplace will be heard by the next generation.

(B) Everyone who will be heard by the nextgeneration keeps a journal.

(C) The next generation will hear both insufferableegotists and true artists.

(D) Some of those who keep journals are not trueartists, humorous observers of the commonplace, or insufferable egotists.

(E) The next generation will bear some of those whoare true artists but not all of them.


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