Question 1: Why this college?
AO: Why Princeton?
Applicant: To prepare for my dream, because Princeton cultivates leaders in science and focuses on undergraduate education. It provides much financial support for students. Students have many opportunities to get financial aid.
AO: What can you do for Princeton if admitted?
Applicant: I am talented in Physics. I can contribute my talent in the college of Physics. And I wish to become an admission interviewer like you.
"First of all, based on what I learned about Yale, there are five presidents from Yale. I think Yale is a good place which can help me develop my leadership. I have been the class monitor for more than two years … Secondly, Yale dedicates to integrating science and art. …… I believe that the education in Yale will prepare me to be a leader in a field combination of science and art."
在这个回答里,学生对学校做了一点研究,从了解耶鲁培养了不少领袖人物,到学校致力于把科学与艺术有效结合的教育目的,分析自己哪些方面是符合学校培养人才的宗旨的。Why this college这个问题的重点是要了解被面试的学生是否已经对该大学做了很深入地研究,学生在表现他对这个学校充满热情,渴望了解更多的同时,要巧妙地用适当的事例体现出他具有哪些特点对于学校而言是strong match的。选择具体的事例说明你对学校提供的某个Program很感兴趣往往是一个不错的选择。
Question 2: Why your major?
因为美国大学学制设置的特点和专业的选择的自由性,招办人员一般都很清楚地知道,大多数高中生进入大学后,很可能会改变专业。但是,他们仍希望通过这一个问题能看出这个学生是否对自己选择的专业已经有一些基本的认识,也希望通过这个问题使学生还没有进入到学校的时候就已经认真思考过专业的选择。学生在回答这个问题的时候除了能够说出一点对这个专业的认识,最好能够说明自己是怎样喜欢这个专业,希望通过在这个学校学习该专业获得什么样的结果。如果学生在回答"Why this college?"提到了选择该校是因为该校在某专业的教育特别突出,那么,面试官一般就会跳过"Why your major?"这个问题了。
"Mathematics is most likely what I will major in. I have got distinction award in AMC and have received many honors for Math in national or city level competitions. I love Math because, in my view, it is the basis of business, in which field I wish to pursue a master degree in Warton Business School. The person who led me to decide to take Math as my major is a Math Professor from Penn …… Penn provides the best program in Math and I believe that it would be a dream place for a person like me, who loves Math and wish to get success in Economics."
Question 3::What do you do for fun?
回答三步法——why, how, what.
Why do you do it::一定要是自己的original thought!How did you do it::what did you find the most interest during the process;who did you ask for advice; what did you learn;;were you leading a team。What is the significance:做好了有什么意义,是否激发了某方面的学术兴趣?What does that bring to your high school career;;did it help you understand a subject better,or to what extent did it help you become a kind of person (回到你开头总结的三个关键词) 。
Question 4:What are your three greatest strengths?
其实这个问题是给你一个机会说明你的与众不同。你的回答应该是尽可能体现出你是有独特思想同时对自己有着清醒认识的人。与别的问题不同,这个问题是绝对不应该出现"I am not sure"这个说法的。你必须能够清楚而有条理地陈述两到三个自身的特点,并且最好能够给出一两个具体事例支持你的说法。
比如一个获得常春藤大学录取的学生是这样回答这个问题的:" My first strength is my compassion and leadership. I have organized a volunteer group and some charity activities. …… My second strength is my creative thinking. I have participated in China Youth Creative Competition and received the first prize. And blah blah…"
1)How did you hear about our (college) and why are you interested in it?
2)Why do you feel that you deserve acceptance/a scholarship to this college/university?
3)What would your ideal college be like?
4) What prompted you to apply for our school?
5) How do you think your high school has prepared you for college?
6) What is it about the field you intend to major in that interests you?
7) What types of activities do you plan on being involved with during your college years?
8) What is something new you want to explore during college?
9))Do you know anyone of our school? Or have you contacted any professor or faculty in our school?
10) What other schools are you applying to?
1) Where are you from?How would you describe your hometown?
2)How would you describe your high school?
3)What is your favorite class that you are taking now?
4)What have been your major achievements throughout high school?
5)Are there any trips you've been on or experiences you've had that have really influenced you or caused you to make change in your life?
6) What is the biggest problem facing your high school, and how would you change it if you have been authorized power?
7) How would your favorite teacher describe you?
8) What can you bring to our school?
9) Tell me about three people in your life that inspire you and how did they do so?
10)What is your best and worst characteristic?
11) If you had to change one thing about yourself what would it be and why?
12) Do you get along well with your friends? How would your friends describe you?