Ivan Kano Mocs and the Art of Be
1.ivankanomics 伊万卡
2.art 技巧,策略(通过经验和直觉)
If you describe an activity as an art, you mean that it requires skill and that people learn to do it by instinct or experience, rather than by learning facts or rules.
3.public outing 公开发布
4.unofficial political aid 非官方政务助理
5.step into the role 接任,接管
6.be fold into 普众化,打入市场,融入
if you fold in an ingredient or fold it into the other ingredients, you mix it very gently into the other ingredients.
7.aspirational 奢侈品, 高端品
If you describe a product as aspirational, you mean that it is bought or enjoyed by people who have strong hopes of moving to a higher social class.
8. federal ethics law
9.woe in the catalogue of ills 销售惨淡
10.be dropped by 下架
11.in the wake of 意识到
12.dwindling interest 兴趣下降
13.grab her wallet 使失去经济来源
14.irremediable whiff of toxicity 挥之不去的有毒气息
15.be compound by 加剧
16.permanent injunction 永久禁令
17.bust 倒闭
18.snowflakes 小清新,文艺青年 (哈哈哈,有意思)
19.offload by the sackful 整袋袋抛弃
20.ecommerce aggregator(聚合,集合) 电商平台
21.outstrip the rate 超过速率
22. be imbued with 使具备
23.sophisticated 干练
to change from being natural, simple, artless, etc. to being artificial, worldly-wise, urbane, ev
24.wallet size 经济实力
25.big ticket items 主打产品
26.asymmetric satin twill floral wrap-dress 不对称缎面斜纹印花裹身裙
flora 印花
27.bounce into 推向