
2019-02-12  本文已影响18人  消失的索飞






1.Are you seeing someone?

2.Break a leg.

3.Can I take a rain check?

4.Count me in.

5.Did you cheat on me?

6.Do you want to grab a cup of coffee?

7.Easier said than done.

8.Everybody deserves a second chance.

9.Everything comes for a reason.

10.Everything is gonna be fine.

11.Go for broke.

12.He stood me up.

13.He's going through a hard time.

14.How long are you gonna make me wait?

15.I couldn't agree with you more.

16.I couldn't be less interested.

17.I couldn't sleep a wink.

18.I covered for you.

19.I don't get it.

20.I don't have a problem with her.

21.I don't thin that's a good idea.

22.I don't want to ruin our friendship.

23.I have feelings for you.

24.I just lost my appetite.

25.I think he's on his way.

26.I totally lost track of time.

27.I'll keep that in mind.

28.I'll keep you posted.

29.I'll make it up to you.

30.I'll see you around.

31.I'm gonna take that as a compliment.

32.I'mm jet lagged.

33.I'm just heading out.

34.I'm king id in the middle of somthing.

35.I'm over you.

36.I'm so sorry for thr pain I've caused you.

37.I'm so thrilled.

38.I'm sure you'll find some way to repay me.

39.I'm working on it.

40.It has nothing to do with me.

41.It's a long story.

42. It's for your own good.

43.It's no big deal.

44.It's up to you.

45.Let me get this straight.

46.Let's get down to business.

47.Let's just keep this between us.

48.Make yourself at home.

49.May I have a word?

50.Maybe we should stay away from each other for a while.

51.My phone's dead.

52.No hard feelings?

53.No offense.

54.No strings.

55.Something has come up.

56.Something on your mind?

57. That dosen't make sense.

58.That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard.

59.That's the way things are supposed to be.

60.The past belongs in the past.

61.The position has been filled.

62.There's a first time for everything.

63.We should get going.

64.What are you up to?

65.What brings you here?

66.What took you so long?

67.What's going on?

68.What's the catch?

69.Whatever's happened in the past, right now, I wanna be with you.

70.Would you excuse me?

71.You have my word.

72.You should go for it.

73.You're in my shot.

74.You've been avoiding me.

75.You've got to be kidding.

76.Absense makes the heart grow fonder.

77.All set.

78.Am I interrupting something?

79.Anythig new?

80.Are you having a fight?

81.Are you hearing yourself?

82.Beats me.

83 Can I get you something to drink?

84.Can I talk to you for a minute?

85.Can you please leave me alone?

86.Cover your eyes.

87.Does that work for you?

88.Don't get me wrong.

89.Give me a hint.

90.Go with your gut.

91.He has been working extra hours.

92.Hold on one second.

93.How's it going?

94.I don't think this is gonna work.

95.I don't think we've met.

96.I don't want to open a can of worms.

97.I have a paper due.

98.I have an announcement to make.

99.I have an errand to run.

100.I have everything under control.

101. I have stuff to do.

102.I have to take this.

103.I know it's very short notice.

104.I lost my train of thought.

105. I mean it.

106.I need a favor.

107.I screwed up.

108.I totally understand.

109.I want to apologize for waht happened.

110.I'd rather not say.

111.I'll be right back.

112.I'll be right there.

113.I'll call you back later.

114.I'll pick you up.

115.I'll say.

116.I'll second that.

117.I'll take care of it.

118. I'm flattered.

119.I'm glad we made up.

120.I'm not ready for marriage.

121.I'm not taking sides.

122.I'm on it.

123.I've been trying to call you.

124.I've got a cramp.

125.I've got to check my schedule.

126.I've got to get ready for work.

127.I've got to run.

128.It's kind of last minute.

129.It's not the end of the world.

130.It's on the house.

131.Keep the change.

132.Keep up the good work.

133.Let me know if I can do anything.

134.Let's get out of here.

135.Let's take five.

136.lighten up.

137.My lease is up at the end of this month.

138.News travels fast.

139.None of your business.

140.Not that I know of.

141.She is in a relationship.

142.Spread the word.

143.Thanks for having us over.

144. The timing is really bad.

145.Want a ride?

146.We must get togehter sometime.

147.We're completely booked.

148.What a relief.

149.What did I miss?

150.You are driving me crazy.

151.You bet.

152.You have good taste.

153.You should have told me.

154.Are you ready to order/

155.Bon voyage.

156.Can I buy you a drink?

157.Can I get your number?

158.Can I give you a ride home?

159.Can we please talk about something else?



162.Don't bother.

163.He has the right to know.

164.He is adorable.

165.He's coming down with a cold.

166.He is the one.

167.How could you do this to me ?

168.How soon can it be delivered?

169.I am at the wrong place.

170. I don't mean to be rude.

171. I get butterflies in my stomach.

172. I got held uo at work.

173.I have confession to make.

174.I have always wanted to do that.

175.I should call it a night.

176. I was just in the neighborhood.

177.I'd like to take you out.

178.I'll do want I can.

179.I'll keep you company.

180.I'm calling to make an appointment.

181.I'm dying for it.

182.I'm freaked out.

183.I'm hanging up.

184.I'm just being honest.

185.I'm not in the mood.

186.I'm not usuallu like this.

187.I'm on the other line.

188. I'm pissed off.

189.I'm stuck in traffic.

190.I'm trapped at wok.

191.Is he off today?

192.Is there anything I can do to make you forgive me ?

193.It's really nice to finally meet you.

194.Keep your voice down.

195.Let's hit the road.

196.Look who's here.

197.My computer crashed.

198.Not necessarily in that order.

199.Spoke too soon.

200.Suit yourself.

201.Take that back.

202.That sounds fun.

203.That'd be a nice change.

204.This is abig transition.

205.This is not in my plans.

206.We have nothing in common.

207. We have some big decisions to make.

208.We're trying to figure things out.

209.What's bugging you?

210.When one door closes, another door opens.

211.When was the last time you backed up?

212.Where was I?

213.Why would you say something like that?

214.You got me.

215.You look fabulous!

216.You mean the world to me.

217.You're being too picky.

218.You're insane.

219.You're overreacting.

220.You're become so distant.

221.Boot camp classes are popular.

222.It's huge sense of relief to me.

223.It's work in progress.

224.It's better to be lucky than good.

225.It's just a shame.

226.It's just the way it is.

227.It's outrageous.

228.It's surreal.

229.It's the moment of truth.

230.It's tricky.

231.Keep an eye on things for me.

232.Let's belt it out.

233.Let's go for plan B.

234.Let's have a group hug.

235.Let's take a vote.

236.Mother versus daughter.

237.My family is first and foremost,

238.She came through wiht flying colors.

239.She can only talk a good game.

240.She gets on my nerves.

241.She had a nice make over.

242.She has a big personality.

243.She is a tattletate.

244.She is all over the place.

245.She is just tryinh to push the envelope.

246.She is mean.

247.She is more sophisticated.

248.She is on your team.

249.She is the black sheep.

250.She is the real deal.

251.She is under the weather,

252.she is your weak link.

253.she nailed it.

254.she needs some touch up.

255.she should sing the lead.

256.she threw me under the bus.

257.that brought tears to my eyes.

258.that ship has sailed.

259.That's a cheep joke.

260.That's a tough call.

261.That's as plain a day.

262.That's cut-throat.

263.That's my forte.

264.That's nerve-racking.

265.That's the bottom line.

266.That's worth many other things.

267.Their energy is phenimenal.

268.There is no need to point fingers.

269.There was some good mojo.

270.They are all personable.

271.They are going to be my eyes and ears.

272.They are trying to set me up.

273.They have a poor opinion of me.

274.They lost three in a row.

275. They went head-to-head.

276.This is so key.

277.Too many cooks in the kitchen.

278. We are her groupies.

279.We are in the Hall of Fame.

280.We did phenomenal.

281.We don't really have a say.

282.We have a favor to ask.

283.We'll get the upper hand.

284.You are in charge.

285.You don't have what it takes.

286.You have put up with it.

287.You should be more gracious.

288.You've got to defer to the expert.

289.Zip it!

290.Any mistake can cost you.

291.Both of us are compromising.

292.Can I see you for a minute?

293.Each person has their own voice.

294.He gave me constructive advice.

295.He has been through a lot.

296. He is a jet setter.

297.He is a manipulative person.

298.He is a one-trick pony.

299.He is a walking dictionary.

300.He is arrogant and obnoxious.

301.He is finding a scapegoat.

302.He is going too far.

303.He is gonna knock their socks off.

304.He is low-key.

305.He is very defensive to me.

306.He is very headstrong.

307.He wiil win this over me.

308.Her taste is exquisite.

309.His mindset is wrong.

310.How could you backstab me like that?

311.I'm gonna become a laughing stock.

312. I am not sheisty.

313.I don't give a crap.

314.I don't know what to expect.

315.I mean no harm.

316.I stand by my mind.

317. I want to throw up.

318.I was offended.

319.I'll bring you down.

320.I'll rip her.

321.I'm gonna to blame it on him.

322.I'm open to anything.

323.It makes all the difference.

324.It turns you on.

325.It was so dead on.

326.it's controversial.

327. It's crap.

328.It's so gross.

329.It's tough love time.

330.She completely rocked it.

331.She has the slick look.

332.She is always on the go.

333.She is chic.

334.She is glamorous and stylish.

335.She is going to throw in the towel.

336.She is the bomb.

337.She looks stunning in the jersey dress.

338.Sue me.

339.That was irritating.

340.That's pathetic.

341.The ring is my family heirloom.

342.The two pieces don't go together.

343.There are strings attached.

344.There is a fine line between innovation and insanity.

345.There is a lot at stake.

346.They didn't take it into consideration.

347.They don't stand a chance.

348.They had a tiff.

349.This is so lame.

350.We are back to square one tomorrow morning.

351.We are totally exhausted.

352.We crack each other up.

353.We hang in there.

354.You are a great sport.

355.You are in jeopardy.

356.You are totally drenched.

357.You barely made it.

358.You blew it.

359.You blew them away.

360.You don't always know what door is going to open.

361.You fall short of your potential.

362.You have to pay the price.

363.You went way over the top.

364.Code blue

365.Give her a break.

366.He is a know-it -all.

367.He looks apprehensive.

368.Honesty is the best policy.

369.I've moved on.

370.Is everything all right here?

371. Life can't go back to where it was.

372.That's out of my hands.

373.We are on the same page.

374.What is that supposed to mean?

375.What's up with you?

376.You are hovering.

377. You are wasting your time.

378.You crossed the line.


