
2018-12-12  本文已影响3人  松果_

alarming: making you feel worried or frightened , 令人担忧的,使人惊慌的,同义词有worrying, disturbing

1.It's alarming/worrying/disturbing that…

It is alarming that students spend so much time learning without actually learning something. an alarming rate/speed

The Chinese sturgeon is disappearing at an alarming rate.

The Amazon rainforest is disappearing at an alarming rate.


Even by the standards of poor countries, India is alarmingly--and unnecessarily--filthy. It needs to clean up.

filthy: dirty/ unclean

Domestic violence is alarmingly widespread in Turkey.



It's particularly alarming that the suicide rate in the U.S.  has risen  for the past few years.

(参考翻译:The US has seen an alarming increase in suicide in the past few years. 或 It is particularly disturbing that suicide has been on the rise in America in the last few years. 或 It is particularly worrying that a growing number of Americans have taken their own lives over the past few years.)

2. 造句

Data shared by parents about children is collected at an alarming rate , potential dangers for children no longer just entail speeding cars and strangers with candy.

In the report, Longfield argues that parents are exposing their children's data at an alarming rate.

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