2018-07-18 牌照婚姻
2018-07-18 本文已影响0人
📖Day10 牌照婚姻
限制数量 cap the number
着手 take to
批准新牌照 do out new license plate
存在一个巨大的漏洞 have a big loophole
结婚 tie the knot
这种利益并非唾手可得。That benefit doesn’t come cheap.
竭力 do their utmost to
Decades of the one-child policy and parents’ preference for males has led to a glut of men and a dearth of women. Among middle-class Chinese, owning a house is seen as an “entry ticket” for male suitors to be considered eligible mates. Which raises an odd dilemma: To get a real wife, you need a house. But to get that house, you may first need a fake wife.
中国的独生子女政策实行了数十年,中国父母重男轻女,两者作用导致了男性过剩、女性稀缺。在中产阶级占大多数的中国,有房是男性有资格成为伴侣的“入场票” 。这引发了一种困境:想真结婚,你需要有房。但想要有房,你先要假结婚。