荷兰短期(旅行与探亲)申根签证 Holiday and Fami
2019-01-29 本文已影响0人
飞出国: 希望在荷兰停留不超过90天的申请人需要申请荷兰的短期申根签证。
- 持有有效护照;
- 对公共秩序、社会安全及申根国国际关系无危害;
- 须证明自己到荷兰的旅游目的,如持有住宿预订单据或是出自荷兰公民担保人的邀请函;
- 具备在荷兰居住、中转或回程所需的充足资金:
- 至少34欧元/人/天;或
- 担保人具备充足的资金来源
- 以自己的名义购买旅行(医疗)保险——覆盖在荷兰/申根区不低于3万欧元的医疗费用;
- 有充分的理由证明自己将会返回自己的居住国(例如在居住国有工作、学龄子女等,单单是持有回程机票并不足以说明此项)。
- 明晰申请条件,准备申请材料;
- 临行前3个月内递交申请,并支付费用;
- 荷兰外事部(CSO)对申请进行审理,通常15天内通知结果;
- 符合条件者成功获得短期申根签证(即C类申根签证,单次入境C签有效期为90天内,多次入境C签有效期为180天内),被拒签者可申请review或重新递交申请。
Holiday and family visit
You wish to stay in the Netherlands for a maximum of 90 days. You generally need a visa for this. It depends on your nationality if you need a visa.
You need a visa for your stay in the Netherlands. More information on which documents are required when applying for a visa can be found in the checklist.
In addition, you must comply with the following conditions:
- You have a valid travel document, for example a passport. The travel document still has to be valid for 3 months after the end of the visa period. It can also not be older than 10 years.
- You are not a threat to public order, national security or the international relations of one of the Schengen countries.
- You have a travel purpose in the Netherlands. For example a hotel reservation or an invitation from a sponsor in the Netherlands. This sponsor has a valid residence permit or is a Dutch citizen. It is not a free-format invitation. The sponsor uses the form Proof of sponsorship and/or private accommodation.
- You have sufficient financial means for your stay in the Netherlands, the transit and/or the return trip:
- You have at least € 34 per person per day for the duration of your stay in the Netherlands; or
- Someone in the Netherlands sponsors your stay financially. This could be the sponsor inviting you, but also a random third person. The sponsor who supports your stay financially has sufficient income. Upon submitting the application, this income must still be available for at least 12 months. The sponsor uses the form Proof of sponsorship and/or private accommodation. The sponsor adds to the form the documents mentioned under Checklist.
- You have taken out a travel (medical) insurance in your name. The insurance covers at least € 30,000 for medical expenses in the Netherlands/Schengen Area.
- You have sufficient reasons to return to your country of origin or residence. For example, because you have work, (school-aged) children or your own home there. Having only a return ticket is not enough.
Steps in the application process
- Submit application and payment
- Assesment of the application
- Decision
- Collect short-stay visa
飞出国: 荷兰C签适合想要在荷兰及其他申根国家短期居住停留的申请人申请。原则上,申请人一旦获得某个国家的C类申根签证,即可在签证有效期内在所有申根国家自由旅行。但从第二国开始,需在3天内到当地有关部门申报。如果想更自由地畅行于申根国家,还是需要持有申根国家的永久居留身份;如果需要在欧洲国家自由工作、经商、居住、学习并享受当地公民同等福利,则需要持有欧盟长居身份。