
2018-12-14  本文已影响5人  自观问渠



创新工场董事长兼首席执行官李开复在他的新书《AI·未来》中指出,中美之间的人工智能大战不可避免,而且中国会从中取胜。谷歌前 CEO 埃里克•施密特与他的观点类似,他认为中国程序员屡屡在谷歌举办的编程竞赛中获奖足以说明中国人工智能人才的质量。除了人才外,中国还在资金、监管和数据这几个重要因素中更胜一筹。

我的原版本:AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order, a provocative new book by Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, Chairman and CEO of Sinovation Ventures and President of Sinovation Venture’s Artificial Intelligence Institute, argued that the Sino-US AI war is inevitable and China will prevail. Eric Schmidt,former Google CEO, takes a similar line, arguing that the fact that China’s programmers won awards repeatedly in programming contests hosted by Google has truly justified the strengths of China’s AI talents. As well as talent pool, China betters US in several other major aspects—funding, supervision, and statistics.

Justin's version

纠错:1. China will prevail---China would prevail (时态错误) ;2. justify:用词错误,改为is indicative of ;3. strengths 改为calibre;4. AI talents改为AI talent ;5 betters 改为boasts several other edges;6. aspects改为areas;7. funding 改为capital;8. supervision改为regulation;9. statistics改为data


改后版:AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order, a provocative new book by Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, Chairman and CEO of Sinovation Ventures and President of Sinovation Venture’s Artificial Intelligence Institute, argued that the Sino-US AI war is inevitable and ultimately China would prevail. Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO, takes a similar line, arguing that the fact that China’s software engineers won awards repeatedly in programming competitions hosted by Google is indicative of the calibre of China’s AI talent. As well as talent pool, China gains the upper hand over the US in several other major areas—capital, regulation, and data.


Why: 刻意练习,熟练掌握地道的句式和表达




积跬步:可以从每日学一句话开始练习。 例如:抱大腿 hitch one's wagon to a star


足以说明;更胜一筹 复杂句的三种写法 值得注意的错误:明晃晃的我的三处错误

war与battle:war vs battle(Winning the battle. Losing the war.)

justify: to make something reasonable eg. justify the investigation 

irrevocable 不可撤回 unavoidable,inevitable 不可避免

indicate 指示

监管:regulation ;莅临指导,老师指导 supervision


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