Capsule network tutorial
In this tutorial, you learn how to describe one of the more classical models in terms of graphs. The approach offers a different perspective. The tutorial describes how to implement a Capsule model
for the capsule network.
Key ideas of Capsule
The Capsule model offers two key ideas
- Richer representation
- dynamic routing.
Richer representation – In classic convolutional networks, a scalar value represents the activation of a given feature. By contrast, a capsule outputs a vector.
The vector’s length
represents the probability of a feature being present. The vector’s orientation
represents the various properties of the feature (such as pose, deformation, texture etc.).
Dynamic routing – The output of a capsule is sent to
certain parents in the layer above based on how well the capsule’s prediction agrees with that of a parent. Such dynamic routing-by-agreement
generalizes the static routing of max-pooling
During training, routing is accomplished iteratively
. Each iteration adjusts routing weights between capsules based on their observed agreements. It’s a manner similar to a k-means
algorithm or competitive learning.
In this tutorial, you see how a capsule’s dynamic routing algorithm can be naturally expressed as a graph algorithm. The implementation is adapted from Cedric Chee, replacing only the routing layer. This version achieves similar speed and accuracy.
Model implementation
Step 1: Setup and graph initialization
The connectivity between two layers of capsules form a directed, bipartite graph, as shown in the Figure below.
Each node is associated with feature , representing its capsule’s output. Each edge is associated with features and . determines routing weights, and represents the prediction of capsule for .
Here’s how we set up the graph and initialize node and edge features.
import torch.nn as nn
import torch as th
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import dgl
def init_graph(in_nodes, out_nodes, f_size):
g = dgl.DGLGraph()
all_nodes = in_nodes + out_nodes
in_indx = list(range(in_nodes))
out_indx = list(range(in_nodes, in_nodes + out_nodes))
# add edges use edge broadcasting
for u in in_indx:
g.add_edges(u, out_indx)
# init states
g.ndata['v'] = th.zeros(all_nodes, f_size)
g.edata['b'] = th.zeros(in_nodes * out_nodes, 1)
return g
Step 2: Define message passing functions
This is the pseudocode
for Capsule’s routing algorithm.
Implement pseudocode lines
in the class DGLRoutingLayer as the following steps:
Calculate coupling coefficients.
- Coefficients are the
over all out-edge of in-capsules. .
- Coefficients are the
Calculate weighted sum over all in-capsules.
- Output of a capsule is equal to the
weighted sum
of its in-capsules
- Output of a capsule is equal to the
Squash outputs.
- Squash the length of a Capsule’s output vector to range
, so it can represent the probability (of some feature being present).
- Squash the length of a Capsule’s output vector to range
Update weights by the amount of agreement.
- The scalar product can be considered as how well capsule agrees with . It is used to update
class DGLRoutingLayer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_nodes, out_nodes, f_size):
super(DGLRoutingLayer, self).__init__()
self.g = init_graph(in_nodes, out_nodes, f_size)
self.in_nodes = in_nodes
self.out_nodes = out_nodes
self.in_indx = list(range(in_nodes))
self.out_indx = list(range(in_nodes, in_nodes + out_nodes))
def forward(self, u_hat, routing_num=1):
self.g.edata['u_hat'] = u_hat
# step 2 (line 5)
def cap_message(edges):
return {'m':['c'] *['u_hat']}
def cap_reduce(nodes):
return {'s': th.sum(nodes.mailbox['m'], dim=1)}
for r in range(routing_num):
# step 1 (line 4): normalize over out edges
edges_b = self.g.edata['b'].view(self.in_nodes, self.out_nodes)
self.g.edata['c'] = F.softmax(edges_b, dim=1).view(-1, 1)
# Execute step 1 & 2
# step 3 (line 6)
self.g.nodes[self.out_indx].data['v'] = self.squash(self.g.nodes[self.out_indx].data['s'], dim=1)
# step 4 (line 7)
v =[self.g.nodes[self.out_indx].data['v']] * self.in_nodes, dim=0)
self.g.edata['b'] = self.g.edata['b'] + (self.g.edata['u_hat'] * v).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
def squash(s, dim=1):
sq = th.sum(s ** 2, dim=dim, keepdim=True)
s_norm = th.sqrt(sq)
s = (sq / (1.0 + sq)) * (s / s_norm)
return s
Step 3: Testing
Make a simple 20x10 capsule layer.
in_nodes = 20
out_nodes = 10
f_size = 4
u_hat = th.randn(in_nodes * out_nodes, f_size)
routing = DGLRoutingLayer(in_nodes, out_nodes, f_size)
You can visualize
a Capsule network’s behavior by monitoring the entropy of coupling coefficients. They should start high and then drop, as the weights gradually concentrate on fewer edges.
entropy_list = []
dist_list = []
for i in range(10):
dist_matrix = routing.g.edata['c'].view(in_nodes, out_nodes)
entropy = (-dist_matrix * th.log(dist_matrix)).sum(dim=1)
stds = np.std(entropy_list, axis=1)
means = np.mean(entropy_list, axis=1)
plt.errorbar(np.arange(len(entropy_list)), means, stds, marker='o')
plt.ylabel("Entropy of Weight Distribution")
plt.xlabel("Number of Routing")
Alternatively, we can also watch the evolution of histograms
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.animation as animation
fig = plt.figure(dpi=150)
ax = fig.subplots()
def dist_animate(i):
sns.distplot(dist_list[i].reshape(-1), kde=False, ax=ax)
ax.set_xlabel("Weight Distribution Histogram")
ax.set_title("Routing: %d" % (i))
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, dist_animate, frames=len(entropy_list), interval=500)
# plt.close()
You can monitor the how lower-level Capsules gradually attach to
one of the higher level ones.
import networkx as nx
from networkx.algorithms import bipartite
g = routing.g.to_networkx()
X, Y = bipartite.sets(g)
height_in = 10
height_out = height_in * 0.8
height_in_y = np.linspace(0, height_in, in_nodes)
height_out_y = np.linspace((height_in - height_out) / 2, height_out, out_nodes)
pos = dict()
fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3), dpi=150)
ax = fig2.subplots()
pos.update((n, (i, 1)) for i, n in zip(height_in_y, X)) # put nodes from X at x=1
pos.update((n, (i, 2)) for i, n in zip(height_out_y, Y)) # put nodes from Y at x=2
def weight_animate(i):
ax.set_title("Routing: %d " % i)
dm = dist_list[i]
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos, nodelist=range(in_nodes), node_color='r', node_size=100, ax=ax)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos, nodelist=range(in_nodes, in_nodes + out_nodes), node_color='b', node_size=100, ax=ax)
for edge in g.edges():
nx.draw_networkx_edges(g, pos, edgelist=[edge], width=dm[edge[0], edge[1] - in_nodes] * 1.5, ax=ax)
ani2 = animation.FuncAnimation(fig2, weight_animate, frames=len(dist_list), interval=500)
# plt.close()
The full code of this visualization is provided on GitHub. The complete code that trains on MNIST is also on GitHub.