Tortoise v hare
tortoise: 龟,乌龟,迟缓的人
hare: 野兔,易受惊吓的,胆小的
run quickly, like a hare.
reappraise: to examine something again in order to consider whether you should change it or your opinion of it. (syn: reassess)
feel boxed in: to feel that you cannot do something you want to do because a
person or situation is limiting you.
carapace: a hard shell of the outside of some animals such as a crab or tortoise.
Aesop: 伊索
profile: a side view of someone’s head.
a short description that gives importan details about a person, a group of people, or a place.
degree of exposure to public notice.
keep a low profile: to come quietly and avoid doing things that will make people notice you. (antonym: high profile )
raise somebody’s profiles: a person or organizaiton gets more attention.
throng: a large group of people in one place.
bring somebody in to do something: to ask someone to become involved in a discussion or situation.
dwell on: to think or talk too long about something especially something unpleasant.
strikingly: in a way that is easy to notice.
in your sights: if you have someone or something in your sights, you intend to
achieve it or get it for yourself, or to attack them.
hegemony: a situation in which one state or country controls others.
befall: something unpleasant or dangerous happens to you.
venture: to say or do something in an uncertain way because you are afraid it is
wrong or will seem stupid.
supposedly: used when saying what many people say or believe is true, especially
when you disagree with them.
Amplify: explain something that you have said by giving more information about it.
flesh out: to add more details to something in order to make it clear, more
realm: a general area of knowledge, activity, or t say that something is possible even
though you think it’s not likely.
with the realms of possibility: used, often humurously, to say that something is possible even though you think it is not likely.
distill..(into…): to get the main idea or facts from a much larger amount information.
mnemonic: something such as a poem or a sentence that use to help you
remember a rule, a name etc.
as is somebody’s wont: used to say that it is someone’s habit to do something.
Rendering: the way an expression, piece of writing etc is translated or explained, or
The way an event, situation etc is described. olitical r
Mouthpiece: a person newspaper that expresses the opinions of a government or a
political organization.
bolster: to improve something
multi-billion-dollar: 数十亿美元的
booster: someone who gives a lot of support to a person, organization, or idea.
cheerleader: someone who encourages other people to do something.
wary: someone who is wary is careful because they think something might be
danerous or harmful.
be wary of (doing) something
broach the subject/question/matter etc: to mention a subject that may beembarrassing or unpleasant or cause an argument.
boss somebody about (BrE)/around (AmE): to tell people to do things, give them
orders etc, especially when you have no authority to do it.
self-assurance: 自信
promptly: at the right time without being late; immediately; without delay
limplicitly: complrte and containing no doubts
disavow: to say that you are not responsible for something that you do not know
about it or that you are not involved it.
eschew: to deliberately avoid doing or using something.
overlap: if two or more things overlap, part of one thing covers part of another one.
come within a whisker of (doing) something: to almost succed or fail at doing something.
20-odd/30-odd: a little more than.
rival: to be as good or important as someone or something else.
transatlantic: involving countries on both side of the Atlantic Ocean.
assembled thong: 与会成员
thucydides trap: 修昔底德陷阱erson
impose its will on others: 把它的意愿强加给别人
incumbent power: 当权者,在位者
accommodate the rising one: 接纳不断发展的….
tell a conference on security: 再一次安全会议上表示
guide international society: 引领国际社会
a just and rational new world order: 公平合理的国际新秩序
deputy secretary of state: 美国副国务卿
responsible stakeholder: 有责任的利益相关者
one-size-fits-all: “一刀切”
in the realm of foreign policy: 在外交政策方面
go viral: 在网上流传开
search engine: 搜索引擎
rule of law: 法治
convene a summit: 举办峰会