

2017-03-03  本文已影响34人  wuzhiguo

《The Structure of Scientific Revolutions》 Thomas S. Kuhn

科学革命的结构(第四版) 托马斯·库恩 (Thomas S.Kuhn) (作者), 伊安·哈金 (Ian Hacking) (合著者), 金吾伦 (译者), 胡新和 (译者)

(1) 科学的发展并不总是像牛顿所说的站在巨人的肩膀上呈线性式的,有时候科学的发展是革命性的,非线性式的。


Reader 1
Kuhn makes a well-reasoned argument that science is not an objective search for "truth," as many people believe. Instead, "normal science" is a problem solving endeavor, solving known problems by known methods.

Reader 2
In addition to popularizing the phrase "paradigm shift", this book addresses the philosophy of science by questioning the assumption that scientific discovery is a linear progression toward the truth, as history might lead you to believe.

As the title suggests, this book thoughtfully presents a structure to scientific revolutions starting with an explanation of how "normal science" (versus great moments in science) operates to clarify an accepted model or pattern, which then serves to establish a paradigm. When the problem solving of normal science leads to anomalies that can no longer be explained within the established paradigm, crisis ensues. Finally, this crisis is resolved through the establishment of a new paradigm. Kuhn is clear that this structure of scientific revolutions is not a process leading toward the truth, but more of a process of evolution from "primitive beginnings." This book offers deep insight that applies beyond the field of science. You don't need to be a scientist to grasp the transformational thoughts presented by Kuhn.
总结这位读者的观点就是:科学革命的过程是大牛挖坑,小牛灌水的过程,等哪一天水灌满了,发现无处可灌了,突然来了另外一位大牛在旁边挖了更大的一个坑,把原来的水也给引过去了,如此循环往复。挖坑是Great moments in science,灌水就是normal science

《The Logic of Scientific Discovery》 波普尔哲学著作集

如何提出科学问题 ■蒋高明

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