1点就醒来期待4点到来,3.30爬起来去canteen 冥想和练习,4.10分开始,4.30 陆续几个人来,Isabella第二个,Simon,jill等等!5个upwheel很顺利!我的经验是所有失去都是自己问题,如果我没有那么急于酒店check in不会忘记scarf,如果不是kedarnath着急选择room,不会选了个没有自来水的房间也不会错过其他人去temple,弄巧成拙好几次!
朝圣yatra14:guru有的富可敌国有的穷困潦倒为啥?我消失一个月我妈竟然没留意! 朝圣yatra14:guru有的富可敌国有的穷困潦倒为啥?我消失一个月我妈竟然没留意!今天还是6.30就等bus,快速的效率使得我和所有人行动错开,group tour对我是个考验!
7.40 出发,我们和Robert一起,开始chanting。
朝圣yatra14:guru有的富可敌国有的穷困潦倒为啥?我消失一个月我妈竟然没留意! 朝圣yatra14:guru有的富可敌国有的穷困潦倒为啥?我消失一个月我妈竟然没留意!路上经过Baba Ramdev empire一望无垠,和guru简直不相称,born as Ramkishen Yadav on 25 December 1965 is an Indian yoga guru known for his work in ayurveda, business, politics and agriculture. He co-founded the Patanjali Ayurved Ltd. and has shown interest in political issues.
Ramdev was born on 25 December in a Hindu family in 1965 to Ram Niwas Yadav and Gulabo Devi at Hazaribag Ali Saiyad Pur village of Mahendragarh district, Haryana. Both of his parents were farmers. He claims he became paralyzed when he was two & half and was later cured by practicing Yoga. He studied Indian scripture, Yoga and Sanskrit in various Gurukuls (schools). He was the student of Acharya Baldevji in Gurukul Kalwa. Ramdev took sanyasi diksha and adopted the name Swami Ramdev from Swami ShankarDev Ji.[8]While living in Kalwa Gurukul in Jind district, Haryana, Ramdev offered free yoga training to villagers.Then he moved to Haridwar in Uttarakhand, where he practiced self-discipline and meditation, and spent several years studying ancient Indian scriptures at Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya.
朝圣yatra14:guru有的富可敌国有的穷困潦倒为啥?我消失一个月我妈竟然没留意!另一个神奇guru是A C Bhaktivedanta Swami also fondly known as Prabhupada ,72 to New York Bowery street cooking and singing Hare Krishna,society is much bigger in Russia
推荐读书The journey home:Within this extraordinary memoir, Radhanath Swami weaves a colorful tapestry of adventure, mysticism, and love. Readers follow Richard Slavin from the suburbs of Chicago to the caves of the Himalayas as he transforms from young seeker to renowned spiritual guide. The Journey Home is an intimate account of the steps to self awareness and a penetrating glimpse into the heart of mystic traditions and the challenges that all souls must face on the road to inner harmony and a union with the Divine.
Through near-death encounters, apprenticeships with advanced yogis, and years of travel along the pilgrim’s path, Radhanath Swami eventually reaches the inner sanctum of India’s mystic culture and finds the love he has been seeking. It is a tale told with rare candor, immersing the reader in a journey that is at once engaging, humorous, and heartwarming.
朝圣yatra14:guru有的富可敌国有的穷困潦倒为啥?我消失一个月我妈竟然没留意! 朝圣yatra14:guru有的富可敌国有的穷困潦倒为啥?我消失一个月我妈竟然没留意! 朝圣yatra14:guru有的富可敌国有的穷困潦倒为啥?我消失一个月我妈竟然没留意!后排两个非常american girls keep on talking, 问我和Sara best part,我是led class在rishikesh和上山过程,问她们worst part,都很American 说 no worst experience,我说那就是head hiding in the sand, I hate funky toilet; 她们也笑说Fly to west no need rolls of toilette paper in pocket; 确实我们都养成随身带卫生纸习惯。
3pm arrive大家都迫不及待分开,我几乎是逃离现场,只和robert say goodbye,Can not wait separating!
Not allowed in , 典型的印度机场,只可以提前6个小时进入,我找到等候区,好在有chai and dal full! No WiFi,最后进去也是傻等,Finally slept being waken up 登机啦!
朝圣yatra14:guru有的富可敌国有的穷困潦倒为啥?我消失一个月我妈竟然没留意! 朝圣yatra14:guru有的富可敌国有的穷困潦倒为啥?我消失一个月我妈竟然没留意!一路基本无眠但不累,香港机场到达效率和价格与印度正相反,高效冷淡洁净Wi-Fi,我很快transfer办好登机,9.40真好可以ashtanga,在星巴克后面靠窗,perfect spot,11.20完成,着重呼吸忽视周围人的窃窃偷瞟,轮式站立非常好,掌握了腿的力量,衬着阳光,感恩如此环境!正如我在新德里和孟买都有过夜该航班进不去等候大厅进去也是傻等没有Wi-Fi一系列实况,更appreciate香港机场设施和服务!登机口竟然上海话广播,看来对上海游客friendly可以!
归程很美好!Got a nice ashtanga in HK airport which changes many things,body got exercise and mood in good status;it was perfect just close to departure door behind Starbucks shop,not many people can see me and having sun and mountain outside which can imagine as a huge resort gym center as well.
Flight has been smooth,I am lucky for many things,like the scarf found bak which is a surprise;found all the charge and chai in airpot after long days of roughness,I was so satisfied even Wifi is never working after 45 Mts,got blue tooth and air drop all working,still not well connected,but what u can expect,much better than previous experience in airport.
Got too much masala dal,which is perfect gift for team back home;
朝圣yatra14:guru有的富可敌国有的穷困潦倒为啥?我消失一个月我妈竟然没留意! 朝圣yatra14:guru有的富可敌国有的穷困潦倒为啥?我消失一个月我妈竟然没留意! 朝圣yatra14:guru有的富可敌国有的穷困潦倒为啥?我消失一个月我妈竟然没留意!一路上心境:万物都在受苦,但都是佛性使然,生命本质就是受苦;没有对错,都是可能错?看着他们,不要控制他们,任杂念自由来去,坐禅任他们来和去;去观物,任一切自来自去;打开我们小心,体现大心!