
2017-06-21  本文已影响0人  一叶轻舟密斯倩

1.信用证概念 The written promise of a bank, undertaken on behalf of a buyer, to pay a seller the amount specified in the credit provided the seller complies with the terms and conditions set forth in the credit  1)It is to make a payment to the order of a third party (the beneficiary), or is to accept and pay bills of exchange ;  2) It authorizes another bank to negotiate, against stipulated documents, provided that the terms and conditions of the credit are complied with.

特征 1、A written undertaking  on the part of the issuing bank 2、Independent of the sales contract 3、Exclusively dealing with documents

基本当事人    1) Applicant 。)The applicant instructs a bank at his place of business to open a letter of credit for the beneficiary on the terms specified by the buyer in his instructions to the issuing bank.     payment for the documents, To deliver a proportion deposit to the bank。2) Beneficiary。  Upon receipt of the letter of credit, the beneficiary should  check it with the contract in time。the discrepancy will require the issuing bank to amend or refuse to accept or require the applicant to instruct the amendment of  issuing bank 。As the seller receives the credit and is satisfied with the terms and conditions, he is in a position to load the goods and dispatch them.The seller then sends the documents to the negotiation bank.  3) Issuing  bank  open the lc timely and accurately 。fAccept the responsibility for primary payment。The issuing bank checks the documents, if they meet the requirements , effects payment in accordance with the terms of the credit. The issuing bank releases the documents to the buyer upon payment of the amount due, or upon other terms agreed between the buyer and the issuing bank.

分类 1.according to bill of documents ,clean c, documentary c。2.characteristic of c. Revocable c,irrevocable  c3.confirmation.confirmed c,unconfirmed c.4payment,sight payment c,deferred payment  c,acceptance c,negotiation c 5transfer,transferable c,non-transferable c6. relationship ,back to back c,reciprocal c

兑付honour means 1. to pay at sight if the credit is available by sight payment. 2.to incur a deferred payment undertaking and pay at maturity if the credit is available by deferred payment. 3. to accept a bill of exchange (“draft”) drawn by the beneficiary and pay at maturity if the credit is available by acceptance.                                    议付 Negotiation means the purchase by the nominated bank of drafts (drawn on a bank other than the nominated bank) and/or documents under a complying presentation, by advancing or agreeing to advance funds to the beneficiary on or before the banking day on which reimbursement is due to(to be paid the nominated bank.

2.汇票概念 A Bill of Exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another,signed by the person giving it,requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to bearer.

必要记载事项:the word "draft". unconditional order to pay. the amount determined. date of issue.the location of issue. the payment terms. the place of payment. the name of payer. the name of payee.  signature of the drawer

基本当事人:*drawer.  the drawer should  assume that the holder of instruments will be accepted by the payer when he present the instrument to payer . Once the payer dishonor the instrument ,the drawer should fulfill  payment by himself and is the debtor of unaccepted instruments . *payer.              The drawee is the main debtor of instruments when he accept payment.     *payee.      The payee of instruments can claim the right of instruments by presenting it to payer/drawee .Once instruments is dishonored ,the payee can have a recourse to the drawer .The payee can be endorser by negotiation .

汇票模版 to开证行,for 收款人,drawn under 开证行,interest利率,exchange for金额小写,the sum of金额大写only,at付款日期,pay to收款人


抬头分类 1、pay to the speafied person不可转让 2丶pay to the order of speafied person 3丶Pay to the bearer持票人

汇票分类 1、drawer出票人 ,banker's draft ,trader's draft。2、time for payment,sight draft,usance draft 3、whether payee, order draft,presentation draft 4、whether document ,documentary draft, clean draft

汇票本票区别 1. basic nature 2. the responsibility of the issuance  3. presentation of the long-term notes 4. drawn conditions 5. Some acts payment, etc.; money order 6. post-processing dishonore 7. Parties

即期远期汇票区别 usance draft has two times presentation for payment,demand draft has one time presentation for payment

拒付定义dishonour ,Dishonor refers that the payer refuse to  accept or pay the amount of the instrument .

追索定义recourse , The holder has the right to claim the amount of the instrument when dishonor happens .

追索条件 (1)Eligible instrument (2)Make Protest and  Notice of Dishonor in time (3)Dishonor happens.

3、汇款remittance 概念  Remittance refers to the transfer of funds from one party to another among different countries through banks.

基本当事人remitter,remitting bank,paying bank,beneficiary

汇款种类概念区别业务流程 1、telegraphic transfer ,The remitting bank sends the P.O. to the paying bank by SWIFT ,authorizing the paying bank to make payment to the payee.流程 remitter delivers a remittance application to the remitting bank,remitting bank deliver a payment order by SWFIT to the paying bank,the paying bank make an effect payment to the exporter。                    2、mail transfer,The remitting bank transfers the funds by mailing.流程 the remitter delivers a remittance application to the remitting bank,the remitting bank delivers a payment order by post to the paying bank,the paying bank make an effect payment to the payee。      3、demand draft 票汇On the request of the remitter, the remitting bank draws a demand draft on its correspondent bank ordering the latter to pay on demand to the payee upon presentation .    流程the remitter delivers a remittance application to the remitting bank,the remitting bank issues draft to the remitter,the remitter forwards draft to the payee,the payee present draft to the paying bank,the paying bank makes an effect payment to the payee,the paying bank makes a claim to the remitting bank。


swift模版 from remitting bank,to paying bank,pay金额to卖方

4、托收collection案例分析 A company should require Hong Kong and Shang Hai Banking Corporation make a payment through the Bank of China。Because HSBC permitted B company to picked up goods against trust receipt in advance without delegation。This responsibility should be undertaken by collecting bank(HSBC).

概念After the exporter has shipped the goods, he presents the draft and documents to his bank with his collection instruction.  The bank will collect the proceeds on behalf of him.

基本当事人1、 drawer卖方The principal is usually the exporter who entrusts the collection items to the bank. The principal consign the bank to receive the amount of the draft from overseas debtor, can also be called drawer .2、remitting bank 汇出行This is the bank that accept the entrustment of the principal and achieve the collection by its overseas correspondent .Such a bank is normally the exporter’s bank.3、collecting bank托收行The bank that accept the consignment of remitting bank and get the payment from the debtor is the correspondent . The obligation : (1)check up the documents; (2)keep the documents ; (3)feed back the headway of collection in time; (4)deal with the goods prudently.4、drawee 买方 The payer is the debtor whom the draft has appointed and  present  the draft and documents to bank.

分类 clean collection,documentary collection (D/p,D/A,D/p at sight。D/p at days after sight)

跟单托收概念  A documentary collection is an operation in which a bank collects payment on behalf of the seller by delivering documents to the buyer.

流程图1、 the exporter ships goods and obtain documents of title from the shipping line,2、the exporter presents document to the remitting bank单据包括draft 、documents for goods of title、collection order,3、the remitting bank completes its own collection order and sends documents and instruments to the collecting bank,4、if the instructions are dp,the collecting bank releases docs against payment to the drawee,if it is da,the collecting bank releases docs against acceptance to the drawee5、the collecting bank makes an effect payment for the remitting bank。

dp概念 The collecting bank is allowed to release the documents to the drawee only against full and immediate payment。                                                da 概念 The collecting bank is allowed to release the documents to the drawee only against the acceptance of a draft.  区别dp importer can get shipping documents after payments,da importer can get shipping documents only after acceptance so if importer don't pay by the maturity,exporter gets nothing。

托收风险 hto an exporter 1、Non-acceptance or payment by the importer for   a significant drop in market price of the imported   goods 2、Operational risks of the importer 3、Exchange restrictions 4、Risks relating to insurance 5、Special collections customs in different countries


