

2019-05-10  本文已影响0人  自观问渠


Zero tolerance for mistakes. 

Sentence 1

Attention: Zero tolerance for mistakes. We cannot afford to make those mistakes. 

The word "today" implies a tendency.  

Paraphrase: globalization is economic and cultural. Example 1

To improve: ...that is basic today

Attention: try a foolproof approach


Human rights include the right to life. 

Examples  Corrections Example 3

To improve: not just that


People writing without imitating

Imitation How to avoid mistakes? Example 4

To improve: in/ among ; some of colleges' students 歧义

Correction Example 5 Example 6

To improve: hard work and persistence 

Corrections Example 7 Correction


Example 8 Example 9

搭配问题: sb is price-conscious 精打细算


拓展:have abundant knowledge of sth. 很懂某事

Example 10 Correction

Attention: 1-9 数字需要拼写出来

Personal Review

In his essay "Of Studies", Francis Bacon states, "Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man." 

"Writing is learned by imitation." It is not just by working out and capitalizing on the basic framework of the model, it is by paying attention to well-designed details too.

Great imitation calls for zero tolerace for mistakes. Imitation provides learners with a much-needed opportunity to sharpen their writing skills, learning through doing. 

Be mindful. It takes will and skill to ensure that imitation leads to improvements in writing. The art of success is built upon persistence in the face of adversity. Extra effort will pay off in the long run.


