今天朗读时读到很棒的一篇文章, 非常想试着翻译过来分享与此。
Angela Ahrendts是美国人,上了个普通的大学,在化妆品和时尚行业做了很多年,2006年成为了Burburry的CEO
她在Burberry做的特别好,把一个不是很有活力的英国的老品牌重新坐起来了,到了2012年已经是英国收入最高的CEO,2014年被苹果挖走。 只是她写给女儿们的一封信。
希望我在这封信中所写的一切是你们已经在生活中听到许多次。 当我们在一起的时候, 我总是会尝试让自己先以身作则,因此在这封信中我会一如既往的和你们分享那些能够指引你们无限量未来的观念:活在当下, 注意细节,做自己以及不要被过去太多牵绊。
无论你们多大,无论我们在哪里, 我在哪里, 我都总是时刻与你们在一起。 我希望你们知道你们的妈妈会时刻在精神上,情感上支持你们, 你们永远不会觉得孤单。 你们知道只要你们需要, 我愿意时时刻刻给你们建议,爱,甚至哪怕只是分享一个恶搞的照片,或和你们一起开怀大笑。 通过倾听,感受,共情,全然的活在当下--总是认真的用眼神交流,常常用肢体表达感受--是建立信任的基础;而信任能够成就自信,自信能让你更加面向未来面对梦想,专注于他人和你自己。
当下是你给别人最好的礼物,同时也是你与他人建立更深链接的方式。 当你专注于当下时, 你会专注于那个当下的每一刻和你的思考。 你看着,听着,感受着,你会有更多力量做更了不起的事情。 而这一礼物对女性来说常常是天性使然。
我同时也想与你们分享我生命中那些珍贵的教训和秘密,即便当有一天我无法在陪伴在你们身边, 你们已然学习了扎实的基础及价值观来面对未来成长路上的沟沟坎坎。
保持开放, 总是试着去解读那些出现在你们生命中的那些指示,。 我总是提醒你们, 生命中没有巧合, 一切发生都有其缘由或注定的命运。 每本你收到的书, 每个你遇到的人, 甚至每个被你们称作幸运的时刻都等着你去解读。 在你们年幼的时候只能非常关注到自己的内在, 这些对你们来说太难了,但哪怕偶尔回头看一下, 看看那些关联, 对未来更加开放,对一切充满好奇。 你看, 其实那些指示从来不会原原本本明显的呆在那里, 他需要你去以开放的心和你的直觉去看到他们。 如同我们说起的在我生活中发生的那些指示以及无法想象的事件, 如同第一手的资料我们都一起讨论过。 你们都是被眷顾的女孩拥有敏感更容易理解这些。
*Dear Sommer and Angelina:
Hopefully you won't read anything in this letter that you haven't already heard from me many times before. I've always tried to lead by example when we are together, so I will do the same in this letter by reminding you of a few thoughts that will help you navigate your incredible life journey ahead: Always be present, read the signs, stay in your lane and never back up more than you have to.
I have always tried to be present for you regardless of how old you were, where we were, or where I was. I wanted you to know that I am always there for you spiritually, emotionally and digitally. You never need feel isolated or alone. You know I am on 24/7 for advice, love, or just to share a funny filtered photo, bitmoji or laugh (even though I know I laugh inside). Being fully present, by listening, feeling, empathizing—always holding serious eye contact, and often the touch of a hand—builds trust. Trust builds confidence and confidence enables you to look forward, dream more and focus on others vs. yourself. Being present is the greatest gift you can give another person, and the greatest way to more closely connect with them. When you are present, you are living in the moment vs in your mind. You are seeing, hearing, and feeling another person, and together you are even more empowered to do great things. This is a gift that often comes more naturally to women.
I have also tried to share with you as many of life's precious lessons and secrets as I can so that when I am not here, you have a solid foundation of learnings and values regardless of what potholes in life you may hit along the way. Stay open; always try to read the signs as you pass by them or they pass by you. I've often reminded you that there are no coincidences. Everything that happens in your life is for a reason or was predestined. Every book you receive, every new person you meet, everything you call lucky is a sign just waiting to be read. It is tough when you are young and so inward-focused, but once in a while you will look back, make the connection and then be more open to and curious about those signs in the future. You see, signs aren't blatant or obvious. You have to be open and present to instinctively feel or intuitively see them. You've seen firsthand, and we have often discussed, the role signs have played in my life and the incredible things that have happened as a result of me listening and reacting to them. You are blessed as sensitive women to more naturally understand this.*